Old dudes and old photos.

Is that a Model 99 Savage on the back row?
I think so. It’s kind of amazing how rare they are now, but they show up in old hunting photos a lot!

The dude on the far right has a 30-40 Kraig. I heard these were surplused after only a few years of use for dirt cheap.
BC Sheep hunt 1990

Chasing salmon on the Sustat River BC. They were mostly boots at the end of their run, but we did get the odd semi chrome. We would get to chase the springs as the owner of the lodge we stayed at while we did our for forestry work, would take us out for doing work around the lodge. 4 years later the lodge would be sold and I would be guiding there for goats, moose and both bears.


I think so. It’s kind of amazing how rare they are now, but they show up in old hunting photos a lot!

My dad had two so I grew up thinking they were pretty common. I kinda lust after them a bit. I would never ask if I could have them when the time comes but I would treasure them if they were mine.
I have nothing to add (I did just text my dad and ask if he could find some old pictures) as a lot of these photos are twice as old as I am.

But this is such a great thread. I’ve really enjoyed all of these old photos.
I have a ton of old photos from the "old days" but most of them are in the form of kodachrome slides.

I think so. It’s kind of amazing how rare they are now, but they show up in old hunting photos a lot!
I've got a photo somewhere of me as a kid of about 6 or 7 standing holding my dad's 99 in 22HP. That photo is well over 50 years old. lol I still have the 99 - its a take-down that the serial number puts as either a 1912 or 1923 year of manufacture (can't remember off hand which of the years it was). If I ever find the pic I'll post it!
This thread is awesome. My hunting buddy and I have made it a goal to shoot a deer during rifle season with plaid shirts on just to pay homage to the bad asses that came before us.

All of you with a long line of hunters in your family make me a little jealous. I bumbled my way into hunting in my mid-30s but most days it still feels like I am a beginner.

I had an uncle-in-law that hunted some in Idaho. His mustache would have blended in to the crowd above, but I never went out with him. He did provide two days of great teenage memories though. When I was about 14 he let me borrow his 22-250, three boxes of ammo and his quad to go to the back of their small ranch and hunt a hillside of ground squirrels. I had a smile on my face the whole time.

When I had turned 16 he also let me take a mid 90’s Corvette that he had taken in trade at his RV dealership on a drive to my friends’ houses. Both days were about as much fun as a teenager can have without a girl present.
My first big buck. Montana 1976.


Our camp. I had to ferry everything three miles to camp in my old '71 Dodge Power Wagon because the road was so nasty. The locals called it California Camp.

California camp Montana 1976 Bear Creek.jpg

Inside the cook tent. This was my folks first wall tent. It had 4 foot side walls and was a little cramped with all of us inside but we made do. Fun family trip and great memories.

Cook tent Montana 1976.jpg
Different era, different continent but some in-law family history on my wife's side. My father-in-law (who turned 102 last week) gave me this picture (and the fishing rod) of his dad and uncle and cousins who were big into team fishing back in the 20's and 30's. This from the Sheffield area of England but I believe they fished tournaments around the UK. I'm a bit of a sucker for old family nostalgia. :)

This pic is from the mid 30's (I think). The bamboo rod is 13'2" when assembled and was made by my FIL's dad. They used to made their own wooden reels as well but unfortunately Norm didn't keep any when he immigrated to Canada.


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