Old dudes and old photos.

Tagged. Man it sucks that time passes almost unnoticed until old pics show up.

I’m 36 now and hate to think of and see pictures of me from 25-30 years ago now as a kid running around hunting/fishing and wondering WTF happened lol

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I've got an absolute shit ton of negatives and kodacrhome slides from the old days with some classic pictures. I'll dig them up one of these days. Makes me laugh when you look at the gear.

I've got an absolute shit ton of negatives and kodacrhome slides from the old days with some classic pictures. I'll dig them up one of these days. Makes me laugh when you look at the gear.

Please do... love looking at these pictures!
Great photo! Any story or idea of where the middle buck is??

As a kid, my dad would occasionally mention the set of antlers and how big they were. I guess I never gave it a ton of thought until I was a teenager, when I asked him where they were. They were buried in our garage in the tool room. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Back in 1946 they had been varnished, and just looked un-natural. So, when I was 15, I spent countless hours with a toothbrush, a rag, and some acetone to strip the varnish off. My dad then paid to have them mounted into a shoulder mount.

The mount hung in my dad’s house, and then eventually in my grandparents house when they built a new house. When my grandmother passed away this Spring, I inherited the mount, so now I get to stare at it in my living room. I never got to meet my great-grandfather, but wish I could have heard the story from him on how it went down.

That is a great story. I'm so glad you have it and thanks for sharing.
One in a lifetime.

When I was a young dude and could just throw those California forkies over my shoulder. Hated all the ticks though. Those bucks were full of them.

1976 California  ajpg.jpg

For Robby : our friend Doug Ayers was at the check station in his CHP cruiser when we came out of the backcountry with this buck.
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