Non-resident elk hunters .
1) how much would you be willing to pay for a general elk tag ? $1000, $1500, $2000 ?
(good , but not cream of the crop)
Somewhere between the $600 I hope to spend in New Mexico if I ever draw a bull tag (19 years and counting of no luck as a NR) and $7500 plus $600 license fee which is what a unit wide landowner tag in my preferred NM unit costs.
I haven’t coughed up the $7500+ yet but at my age it is getting more tempting.
2) how much would you be willing to pay for a yearly point knowing if you don't keep up your yearly investment its gone (some states maybe 1 year interruption ) $50, $100, $500 ?
Depends on draw odds. I have no problem paying $500 for a point if I knew I would draw in 4-5 years. Would I want to? No. Would I? Yes. My elk hunting years are getting fewer and fewer.
3) how many years would you wait for a general elk tag ? 2-4, 8-10?
I guess 20 or more since that’s my streak in New Mexico (the land of no points and equal opportunity for every Non resident every year).
To be fair, I have drawn and hunted elk in other states. I’ve also sucked it up and paid as much as $1300 for a unit wide cow elk tag when nothing else planned out.
And no- I’m not a high roller. I own no 70k truck, no SXS, no toy hauler. I do have some nice Zeiss binos but shoot a factory rifle if that makes you feel better.
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