Nightforce sponsors MuleyFreak

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Maybe this isn't definitive, and I don't know what "partnering with" means, but here's a reply by @nightforce_optics in the IG thread with the dead bear - and there are multiple similar posts by NF:

". Before partnering with MuleyFreak,

Thanks for sharing that, I think you guys are on track then.

I appreciate the constructive replies by you and @TheCougar .
I don’t understand the allegiance people here in Utah have towards him. A lot of guys I know here are always defending him. The dudes done the same thing 3 times lol. I love the hunting in Utah but I won’t complain when we’re done with school and back in Idaho.
What’s really scary is the cult like following some of these “Internet personalities” get. They can spout off whatever armchair biology BS they want and the masses believe them! It’s unfortunate that some people use any influence they have to build their own greedy empire, instead of ensure the longevity of our heritage and the animals.
"influencer" .. they all exploit a resource to pimp their tshirts or the next innovative bino harness with no regard for anything. Its readily apparent anytime any one of them gets called out the filth circle the wagons.
I’d use the term innovative lightly. Just because something is named “game changer”…..
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A lot of companies do this. Hoyt sponsors that Gray light hunter guy and he has some wildlife violations.

Some guys are sponsored by hunting companies and they aren’t even good hunters or hardly hunt. But they have a large following of people.
I missed rhat drama too, what happened with SO? How do you folks have time to keep up with all these threads 😂
The Fooker got busted, tried here on RS to sidestep things and then scrubbed/deleted his Twitter and Facebook accounts.
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