It’s a 26’ camper, I want to say it’s around 7k. Only a couple times a year.
My daughter is also interested in horses(to the point of taking lessons, and I myself may be going down the same path) so horses could very well be in our future. I don’t think smaller horse trailers weight that much but I haven’t checked either.
Upgrading, while it is kinda about towing, is more about interior room.
We have a small 2H bumper pull, slant load with a small tack room, weighs in around 3k. Sundowner so its all aluminum. a steel trailer will go up from there. figure another 1000 to 1100 per horse, and all the stuff that ends up in the tack room, and feed in the bed of the truck, and your well over 5k.
I'm in the same boat as you, only well down the horse path and daughter shows 2-3x per month March to Sept and we have a 7.3k (dry) camper that pushes 8k when loaded with all our crap for a week. While our 1/2 ton was Ok for both, puling the camper was no fun on windy days, or when trucks are passing you at 75-80mph.
We upgraded to a 3/4 ton and the experience is significantly better. Partially due to getting a gooseneck stock trailer for a small cattle business, and partly because I hated feeling stressed out hauling 6-8hrs and getting pushed around al the time. The 1/2 ton did it, but I'm sure we used up a few of its nine lives, and there is some comfort in knowing you're in a more capable vehicle towing your daughters hopes and dreams down the interstate.
To me, newer 1/2 tons are basically tall cars - comfortable ride, creature comforts, and a big trunk (I acknowledge some 3/4 tons are getting there too, theyre all suburban status symbols now).
The 3/4 ton does it all so much better and at same or better mileage, especially when towing. Yes, we got a diesel, but gas would have been fine. and we're thinking about adding a new for 7.3 gasser now so both wife and i have trucks (diesel is "hers") since we're both working from home now.
Diesel is duramax, 18ish mpg around town, not much change when pulling the horse trailer (its a short little bastard), 14ish mpg when hauling the camper or the gooseneck with 4 finished steers in it. I tow at 65mph, so that matters too. Ride is comparable to our previous F150 with the 5.0 and FX4 package.
Edited to add: We tow, a lot, probably have a trailer on every weekend for 10 months a year and sometimes 2 additional days that week, depends on the season.