New Packs from Kifaru 2024

So are those 4 plastic rings on the back mounting points for a pocket? Getting rid of any sewn Molle loops to add an external pocket?
Newest pack is out. Looks revolutionary.


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New fabric looks nice but I don’t think it’s American sourced for what it’s worth. I also agree it looks like a waterproof sack with compression straps. Lacking the Kifaru modular and indestructible style.
After all these comments about non-USA zippers or buckles on other packs, that challenge ultragrid sailcloth material is woven at Challenge’s Bluesign approved facility in Thailand lol
And interesting question comes up when watching the promo video. If the Duplex Lite broke with 60% less force...Ive never really heard of the Duplex Lite breaking under hauling loads.. Wouldnt it be better to remove whatever material you can from the Ark frame and make it equal to the duplex in durability and pitch it as equally strong but a noticeable amount lighter?

Would you rather a frame equal to the Duplex Lite in durability and remove all the weight you can to make it happen, or do you want a small weight savings and have it 60% stronger? Then again maybe removing the material to make it equal in durability to the Duplex LIte doesnt really make all that much of a weight savings.

I guess that will be the Ark Lite one day.
I seriously doubt that Kifaru employ the necessary and expensive engineering tools needed to pull this off. It's going to be better bang for the buck for them and the consumer to go the excess margin route. They could easily spend $100k in development costs and only be 20% better. All while now having 1% more packs failing and flooding the internet with horror stories.