New Career. What would you do?

This is a great question, as I’m pondering this for myself, with a twist. I’m in the AF and nearing retirement eligibility. Lately I think I might like to get a pilot license and be a flight instructor (I’m not aircrew in my current specialty). Don’t have any desire to go to the airlines, though you’re young enough if that appeals to you. I’ve done some back-end flying in small aircraft and really enjoyed it. I think teaching people to fly Cessnas in the mountains of the west would be incredible. I’ve talked to a few instructors, and they seem to be as busy as they want to be, which usually varies with the time of year. Sounds ideal.

Another idea: if you did well in the military, and have been successful as an entrepreneur, maybe be a leadership consultant. There’s a market for this, and I’m sure you have some skills there.

Good luck.
I'm a machinist and enjoy it, most of the time. I enjoy it a lot more when I'm prototyping stuff for my own stuff instead of working for my company.

I'm not saying you should become a machinist... But if your interested in sales, there is a market for people sourcing work for machining companies. Lots of large companies are having trouble finding machine shops that are capable of producing parts within reasonable times. I think the right person could make a killing bringing these companies together. Feel free to pm me.

Good luck with what you choose!

I started with that myself, however with the state of manufacturing today I wouldnt tell anyone I love or like to pick up machining to make a living. The prestige of the profession is too undervalued and its a shell of what it used to be benefits and salary wise. Every shop I've worked at bitches that good machinists are hard to find, yet they overwork and underpay every single one of them that walks through the door.

Anyway, manufacturing engineer now, if id do it all over again I'd go commercial pilot, whether it be airlines or some other commercial venture.
All the ultra successful AND HAPPY people I know are genuine experts in something...anything, it doesn't really matter what. The more unique and specialized the better.

yes. The 10,000 hours thing. But really, it takes a lot less time than that to become an expert in something. A work-year is 2080 hours.
I took a 30k a year pay cut but picked up a TON of vacation time. I no longer need to make 6 figures.....but I love my time off.

Find something that will value your skills, has decent stability and enjoy life.
i think if i was to start a career now it'd be a trade like an electrician or a firefighter. i started off in hospitality, got to live in paradise but the work, hours and pay all sucks, instead i'm a elementary special ed teacher which has it's pros and cons. i don't make much money but I have job security and fun with the kids and do get a ton of time off to surf and hunt. with a newborn on the way and starting a family being rich with time will make it even more worth it.
i think if i was to start a career now it'd be a trade like an electrician or a firefighter. i started off in hospitality but the hours and pay sucks, instead i'm a elementary special ed teacher which has it's pros and cons, really need patience and a special skill set. i don't make much money but I have fun with the kids and do get a ton of time off to surf and hunt. with a newborn on the way and starting a family being rich with time will make it even more worth it.
I was a first grade teacher and now I am an electrician. The money is way better in construction, but you cant beat all the time off in the education field
Hey guys, I'm looking for a change in my life and I figure this may be a great resource to get your thoughts.

I'm 30 and I've been running my own dive business since 2015 and prior to that I was in the Marines. I've decided to sell my half of the business and look for some new opportunities. I haven't spent much time in college as I decided to start a business and learn that way.

My question to you all is: What would you do if you could do it all over? What career paths do you see growing and developing in the future?

I've started my Saleforce Certs and Plan to look into Amazon Web Services as well. I'd like to buy or start another business down the road once I get some experience working in larger companies. I however don't have anything I care too much about, I just like working and a good challenge. I have no kids or wife and I'm happy traveling. If I have the ability to maintain some freedom that would be awesome. One reason i'm looking at salesforce and AWS is for the work from home and time off environment they can provide.

I do not want to go down the engineer, Dr, legal route.

Thank you guys for your time.
where do you live? ever consider dive harvest? I have dove sea urchin and cucumbers in Oregon and Alaska since 02'..... it's overall enjoyable, and pay can be good. I have designed my life to having a lot of time to hunt (and fish) and a job that can be flexible ( I am unavailable most of September) not many jobs like.

I have worked on the ocean my whole adult life, because it ties into what I like to do, and it's always different. work hard/play hard. whatever you do, try to make it something you can enjoy
I've worked in as both a cabinet maker and teacher. Love both jobs for very different reasons. Teaching is pretty hard to beat for time off to hunt unless when your in a trade you are working for yourself of subcontracting. I lost quite a bit of job security when I was doing that as a cabinet maker
Welding, electrical, plumbing, damn near any trade. If you have a brain the school can be completely free with a decent lying job for a year or two after school and then you can start your own business. My cousin just started a “boring” company. They’re putting in fiber optic lines with a boring machine. Gross about $14/ft. Do usually around 1-500ft a day

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I'm a renovation carpenter now. I wish I had joined the military when I was 16 instead of partying and banging nails.
I wish I'd gotten into running equipment too...between logging, mining, pipeline and patch work, and road building there's a ton of work in western canada.
1st there are no perfect jobs, they all suck at some point.
I also don't think I'd leave anything profitable until this recession is over.
That being said, some kind of online store, firefighter, backcountry pilot would probably be my number 1, liquor stores are recession proof.
Something where dealing with people is minimal and I could do alot of pot on my off time and take time off for hunts.
Having a plane for your own hunts wouldn't be bad ether.
I think there is alot of shit that goes with guiding we dont think about, I assist guided 1 day and the clients kids whined all day, I swore never again would I do that.
My personal experience is don’t make your hobby your job. One day you wake up and it’s just a F’n job ! Skilled trades like electrical , welding , pipe fitters can make a good living doing shutdowns and large projects if you don’t mind travel and living out of a camper or motel. You can be off until you run out of money. Learn the trade and then become a contractor. You already have some business experience.
Cop out West in Bozeman or somewhere that has awesome public land. Hunting isn’t getting any cheaper and this whole mess illuminates the importance of places to get outside. If you a crazy enough to want to move to Central Texas the PD or FD are really good options.

After 28 years in LEO work I could not recommend going into LEO work these days. Fireman( Very tough to get into especially if a straight white male) electrician ore electrical related, machinist, tradesman or healthcare related field.
I’m always curious in these type of threads how much advice is given out based off actual experience. It’s kinda like taking financial advice from a poor person.

Keep us updated on what you end up doing!
This for me too. Grew up in NY, probably would have joined FDNY, take in 100k+ and do what I do now (software dev) on the side.

This is my career now. I'm 11 years in with 14 to go for full retirement. I can get out with healthcare for the rest of my life at the ripe old age of 46. Most departments are 20 year minimums for retirement depending on age. Downsides are sleep cancer and for some the time away from family. Guys I work with have missed alot of first and last with the kids. First words steps games are big events that you miss being at the station for 24 or 48 hours.
Another good paying deal with decent control is traveling nurse. I knew one who liked to snow ski a lot and dive. She specializes in ER work and sat for the exams and got licensed in a bunch of states. She’d work for the hospitals near I think Vail for the ski season. The emergency rooms needed extra staff for peak ski season. She’d get weekend night shifts then ski during the week. Then off to a dive destination for a peak season there. Whatever else she wanted to go do she’d find a hospital needing extra staff. This was probably twenty years ago now but I’m sure there’s still a need for someone willing to travel. She got really good at taking nursing exams for state licensing.
Another good paying deal with decent control is traveling nurse. I knew one who liked to snow ski a lot and dive. She specializes in ER work and sat for the exams and got licensed in a bunch of states. She’d work for the hospitals near I think Vail for the ski season. The emergency rooms needed extra staff for peak ski season. She’d get weekend night shifts then ski during the week. Then off to a dive destination for a peak season there. Whatever else she wanted to go do she’d find a hospital needing extra staff. This was probably twenty years ago now but I’m sure there’s still a need for someone willing to travel. She got really good at taking nursing exams for state licensing.

Travel nursing jobs in Washington State and NY are offering free room and board with rental car and food allotment. Paying 30K for 3 months
If I had the stomach for medical I would get my EMT and be a full time firefighter. I am sure there are probably departments that dont run medical but you have a better chance at a nicer income/benefits package in a bigger combination department. Work about 10 days a month, decent pay, decent retirement.
I am currently following this route. All that extra time for family and hunting will make it well worth it once I get hired on.
Travel nursing jobs in Washington State and NY are offering free room and board with rental car and food allotment. Paying 30K for 3 months
There you go ! I know the nurse I knew made a years average nursing salary in four months of three twelves. She didn’t even pile up the hours when she was working.