Business related book recommendations

I've read some of the listed books.

You know what helped scale our business to a 15 state operation? Investment in the company, employees and hard work. It took several years to expand, but once it started, it ballooned.

Anyway, there are helpful mindset pointers, but at some level you have to get out there, make connections and scale up.
I've read some of the listed books.

You know what helped scale our business to a 15 state operation? Investment in the company, employees and hard work. It took several years to expand, but once it started, it ballooned.

Anyway, there are helpful mindset pointers, but at some level you have to get out there, make connections and scale up.
Three big pointers right there, invest in the company, invest in employees, and hard work.
Op, I'm sure you are doing all three, but nothing wrong with a reminder.

You reading books is investing in yourself, you have to grow yourself too. It all flows hand in hand. Good employees are going to look for good leaders and also be able to grow themselves. You have to be able to grow yourself to grow others. I think you are on the right track.
The Art of War

Alot of the topics discussed are not just about war, but strategy and your mindset in general.

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Two books, and one rule:

1) Built to Last, by Jim Collins
2) Heroic Leadership, by Chris Lowney

While reading through a book, write down your ideas, and develop concrete, measurable steps and outcomes to implement the contents of that book - and do not read another book until this one has been incorporated into your business structure and processes.

People often confuse reading with making progress - reading informs proper progress, but it just isn't progress itself for a business. More often than not for entrepreneurs, its serves as a crutch to distract from the hard work of execution.

Keep reading, but execute above all else.
Lot of good recommendations here.

One thing you need to ask yourself, is whether you really want to scale, and how much. A lot of businesses have failed after very quickly scaling where the owners weren't clear on exactly what they want to do. Sometimes finding a specialty niche, really doing it well, and billing accordingly brings in enough money and a much better quality of life. A lot of owners just by default think the right thing is to grow, but don't really know why.

Along those lines, I'd recommend A Company of One, by Paul Jarvis.

I'm also a fan of Cal Newports books.
While reading through a book, write down your ideas, and develop concrete, measurable steps and outcomes to implement the contents of that book - and do not read another book until this one has been incorporated into your business structure and processes.

People often confuse reading with making progress - reading informs proper progress, but it just isn't progress itself for a business. More often than not for entrepreneurs, its serves as a crutch to distract from the hard work of execution.

Keep reading, but execute above all else.
100% agree.
1.) The Road Less Stupid - Keith Cinningham
(his other books are good too)

2.) Mindset - Carol S. Dweck

3.) The Hard Thing About Hard Things - Ben Horowitz

Bonus the HBR 10 must read books can have good insight as well. I reccommend On Teams, On Smart Questions, and On Communicartion.
7 habits of highly effective people

Think and grow rich

How to win friends and influence people

Empire builder - from Adam Coffey , this one is a must if you are looking to expand into other areas and lays out a pretty good blueprint

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Ray Dalio's "Principles" is a good read. Alot of info on how to create systems and recognize where you need place people to overall enhance and maximize efficiency. I read it when I was working for a heavy civil contractor.