Hey guys, I'm looking for a change in my life and I figure this may be a great resource to get your thoughts.
I'm 30 and I've been running my own dive business since 2015 and prior to that I was in the Marines. I've decided to sell my half of the business and look for some new opportunities. I haven't spent much time in college as I decided to start a business and learn that way.
My question to you all is: What would you do if you could do it all over? What career paths do you see growing and developing in the future?
I've started my Saleforce Certs and Plan to look into Amazon Web Services as well. I'd like to buy or start another business down the road once I get some experience working in larger companies. I however don't have anything I care too much about, I just like working and a good challenge. I have no kids or wife and I'm happy traveling. If I have the ability to maintain some freedom that would be awesome. One reason i'm looking at salesforce and AWS is for the work from home and time off environment they can provide.
I do not want to go down the engineer, Dr, legal route.
Thank you guys for your time.