Not sure that you've clarified what type of Engineering you do but here's my story. I related to what you said about giving back and kind of finding a bigger purpose than just working for someone else.
I took CAD classes in highschool for some reason. It came natural to me and i'm very mechanically minded so it ended up really clicking in my head. When I was doing this, CAD was just starting to get big and adopted industry wide. My friend's dad was a department head at a local civil engineering firm that works nationwide and got me an internship at 17yo as I was about to graduate. I got thrown into a team doing gas station design across the country. I knew absolutely nothing going into it but I started to figure it out, I showed up everyday, and I busted my ass and made myself someone everyone could count on which lead to me being hired full time that first summer. I worked this job full time all the way through college for 6yrs. It took me that long because I was working and I refused to take out any loans. I was the first to graduate college in my family and to me, that made me very proud.
I got to see what PEs did day to day and I wasn't that guy to sit in an office and get fed work through a slit in my door. I wanted to be outside, in the field. I changed my major to Environmental, Soil and Water science and finished strong all while working at the same firm. Once I graduated, I was offered a job at another local firm but they specialized in local work. This was game changing for me. Instead of designing sites, storm drainage, utilities..etc and never seeing how they get installed, I was front and center for the whole ride. I worked on client issues, got to permit my projects through the city and be on-site all the way through final acceptance. This is where I learned everything and it finally started to click. I enjoy new problems and being with a project through construction allowed me to experience all of the surprises and I got to figure out how to fix them. I was basically running as a one man shop from real estate acquisition through design and final acceptance.
The problem at this stage was that I was the AutoCAD guru everywhere I went. At this point I had been running AutoCAD for about 80% of my day for going on 15yrs. I was great at it and there wasn't much that I couldn't do with the software. However, I was burnt out. I was married at this time and we had our first child. I wasn't about to make a stupid move just because I was "unhappy".
One of the guys from the city that I had gotten to be friends with called me one day and asked me if I'd be interested working at the Water Utilities Department to start up their engineering division. I'd be reviewing plans instead of drawing them, I'd be dealing with the public on all sorts of questions, and if all goes well, I'd be building my own little team. I crunched some numbers and with the 28yr retirement, I could shave about 5yrs off of my typical retirement age if I took the job. The insurance was great, I would get off at 4pm instead of 5 and there's a lot of paid holidays. I decided to take the position even though I had no idea about installing or maintaining hundreds of miles of water and sewer lines.
Working with the public has been both frustrating and satisfying at the same time. I've really enjoyed the switch and as of today I have built up a 10 person team and we are accomplishing things that no other water utility in the state have been able to do. I've learned all about an entire new field while still being able to pull from my previous experience to make sound decisions. I've changed so much policy here for the better due to my past experience and hearing people compliment my team and what I've built is always feels like a top tier accomplishment.
So maybe think about how you can pivot. Is there something in a different field that's still related that could be tempting to get into? I would have a hard time starting over from scratch in a field I have no experience in. I'm not against it if that's what I need to do but I've been able to leverage my work ethic, personality, and drive to make it in any experience that I've been put into. At the end of the day, it's a job. I think it's a bit of a fairy tale to think you're going to do something that you love everyday.