Nevada non resident tags


Jun 17, 2013
Pinal County AZ
Hey guys, I've been starting to build points and expanding the hunting horizons. I started building Utah points a couple years ago and have some extra money that I would like to put toward Nevada.

I have never hunted Nevada and honestly have no idea where to put in for. I would really prefer to do trophy units and am fine with the almost non existant draw odds. I already took a month off work this year for my AZ antelope hunt but I could make it work if I drew another trophy tag. I was planning on just buying bonus points, however seeing that I have to buy a license to get those I don't see any harm in putting in and having a chance at a tag. I plan on putting in for sheep, goat, deer, antelope and elk.

If anyone has any recommendations on what units to apply for on any or all of the aforementioned species I would greatly appreciate it. I also have hunterstrailhead draw odds but unfortuneatly I made up my mind to apply so late I don't have time to do as much research as I would like.

Thanks for the help!
I thought they gave out 1-2 MG tags per year to NRs?

It's the only animal I don't put in for in Nevada.. With 4,000 people applying for 1 tag including preference points, the odds are worse than a long shot.. However it does have some of the biggest goats around!

NV is one of the best states to apply for in the nation.. Make sure you put in for Bear, they just recently opened to bear hunting for the 1st time (ever? in a long time?) so there's some monsters running around..

With NV make sure you pick units you really want to hunt and make sure you can go, because there's a 5 year wait if you win and don't harvest and a 10 year wait if you do on most animals.. I think Mule Deer Archery and Antelope Archery? are the exceptions..
If you draw a bull elk, and don't kill a bull you have to wait 5 years until you can apply again. If you kill one its 10 years to wait.

Antelope if you kill a buck you have to wait 5 years. If you don't, no wait.

Sheep is a 10 year wait after drawing regardless.

Mountain goat I think is the same, but I think their might be like 1 or 2 NR tags.

Deer has no wait if you kill or don't kill.

Bear I think has a 10 year wait also but not sure.
I had the same questions, deadline is Monday and I was going to put in for the first time this year as i'm soon to be a resident there but I procrastinated and forgot how close it was. I believe a non resident has to show proof of a hunters ed card so you need to do it by mail, too late for me. I would have no idea on what units to put in for, my head was spinning reading the regs, but would've just bought pts anyway as I have a tag in AZ so concentrating on that.
Thanks for the info so far, I appreciate it. Any unit suggestions would be very appreciated also! Kwabunga.... I faxed mine in early today and it was approved about 2 hours later (even with a phone call confirmation) I given Nevada Fish and Game some serious props on the fast time and working on a saturday!
I had the same questions, deadline is Monday and I was going to put in for the first time this year as i'm soon to be a resident there but I procrastinated and forgot how close it was. I believe a non resident has to show proof of a hunters ed card so you need to do it by mail, too late for me. I would have no idea on what units to put in for, my head was spinning reading the regs, but would've just bought pts anyway as I have a tag in AZ so concentrating on that.

I started applying 3 years ago and I don't remember what I did but I don't remember sending or faxing anything.. I think I took care of it by phone or email..

Get that in! I really think NV is the #1 state for NRs and if you're moving there it's a no brainer
I had the same questions, deadline is Monday and I was going to put in for the first time this year as i'm soon to be a resident there but I procrastinated and forgot how close it was. I believe a non resident has to show proof of a hunters ed card so you need to do it by mail, too late for me. I would have no idea on what units to put in for, my head was spinning reading the regs, but would've just bought pts anyway as I have a tag in AZ so concentrating on that.

The staff there are super helpful. I called them, she gave an email, I sent in scanned copy of my CO hunter Ed card and web site was updated within half hour. Don't let that stand in your way!
Thanks for the push guys, i'll give them a call in the morning. Looks like the deadline for pts only is on the 27th if I read it right but calling them up to make sure, thanks again.
The NDOW website has all the data you need to make informed decisions on unit quality, horn length, points, draw odds and sucess rate. Its more of how far you want to drive and what kind of terrain you want to hunt. There are good animals in most of the units