My nephew and I hunt and have scouted a few units in the SW area so this will effect me being draw for archery. Im not familiar with any other units. I have hunted out there for the last 3 years. I have only run into other hunters a couple times during archery in the woods. Lots of people at trail heads but not where we go in the woods. Being from a over crowded hunter state (Michigan) I think you guys have it lucky with your hunter numbers. I do realize elk are different then deer though.
Things Im wondering is if there are any numbers on how many cow elk are bred in this area every year? Im guessing its over 80%.
I dont see how more people in the woods affects elk breeding. If there is a lot of pressure Im sure they still breed at night. The need to breed is strong in the animal kingdom. Bull elk can cover a lot of ground if they need at night. So to me this excuse is pretty thin.
When the cow elk are dropping calfs is there a lot of human activity in there range this time of year? Again I havent been able to find any studies on this. I cant believe calf elk are being ran over by humans in the spring calving areas but I could be wrong.
If the idea is save more cows to do more breeding it really doesnt make sense to not stop rifle cow elk hunting until their population increases more. Seems short cited to not limit this to at least bulls.
Is the idea that as archery hunting pressure increases it is some how making calf elk not able to survive there first winter from the stress? Seems like the calfs I see in the fall are done being weened and look pretty good to survive there first winter. Has there been any studies on this? One thing to note from my limited observations is we seen more bear then elk all 3 of those years. Also more deer then bear or elk combined. Some areas in the oak brush in 2018 we seen more bear poop then cow poop and there were cows every where. Maybe the cows stress out the calfs?
I want whats best for the elk but it seems short sited to limit archery and not rifle, or base it on more studies. The reports I read of them radio collaring and studding the calving rate have been only going for a year. Plus most of teh radio collars fell off. I mean ya know this radio collar technology is such a a new technique I can see why they have trouble keeping them on.

Does anyone have a guess or wager on how many points a person will need? And how many tags might be allotted? Based on other areas going to a draw in the past?
It will be a real bummer to start all over. We have found some good spots that elk are in. The first year we did nothing but walk all day. After 3 years we got more spots then we can check. Just a lot of work starting over. I know im being a cry baby.
Any one got any honey holes they want to share in a otc unit? Preferabliy some place with no other hunters and bull elk as big Paul Bundys blue babe???????

lol (just in case you missed it that was a joke)
Guess we know more next week. I will fire off some emails