Montana Rifle Co, Shoot2Hunt, and Rokslide Rifle

You don't get paid for your services as a trainer in the shoot2hunt classes? you're donating your time for them?
He wouldn’t take my money in either of the two classes I’ve taken from him. He will do some shit for Starbucks gift cards though!
Interesting fun fact, form drinks chick coffee
He wouldn’t take my money in either of the two classes I’ve taken from him. He will do some shit for Starbucks gift cards though!
Interesting fun fact, form drinks chick coffee
Haha what other dirt you have on him?

@Formidilosus , have you ever had a real macchiato? It might change your mind on Starbucks
Haha what other dirt you have on him?

@Formidilosus , have you ever had a real macchiato? It might change your mind on Starbucks

Yes. Its not that Starbucks is “good”, it’s that everything else on the road sucks. I prefer quality French press above all else, though good Turkish coffee, pour overs, etc etc, are all fine choices. The key is that it is coffee- that means real cream and sugar. Black “coffee” isn’t coffee- it’s black bean water.

Finding good coffee while traveling is nigh impossible, so it’s Starbucks desert drink- one must slum with the peasants at times.
When I was younger, I would have LOVED to see Jim Zumbo or Ron Spomer shit-talk a rifle in Outdoor Life or Field & Stream magazine. But the weirdest thing always happened: Every year those rags or authors did their rifle reviews, EVERYTHING they tested was amazing. Best ever. All of them. Every single rifle they picked up was cosmetically amazing, MOA-all-day, blah blah blah.

Fast forward to now: Influencers get free products to "test". And if the influencers shit-talk the product, well, they no longer get free stuff from said business. So everything is a puff-piece. Don't want to bite the hand that feeds you...

Authenticity is a thing. It's making a come-back, hard. Anecdotally, people come to Rokslide because they tend to be able to find unbiased feedback on gear. I know that's how I found this place. Nothing is ever perfect, but there's a pretty big bias on this site towards fact-based reviews, with the good-or-bad being posted up for inspection by the masses.

It's the "bad" part that businesses don't like, and avoid. The 24hourcampfire nonsense with Leupold scopes was the perfect example of how corporations deal with this stuff. (Or don't deal.)

Why do people think if someone is being paid = Person is biased? Because 99% of the time it's been true. Outdoor Life and Field & Stream taught me this early.

IMHO- A person can accept money from the sale of a product that he helped design, prototype, test and bring to market while still retaining integrity and honesty within his field of interest.

When did we arrive at this place where the majority of folks believe that if someone in the industry is receiving compensation they will automatically lie and pull the wool over the consumers' eyes? I guess this shows just how bad this industry has become when that is the defacto assumption.

Form, I greatly appreciate your directness, honesty, and fact-based approach to making better hunters and better guns, and I believe that it is appropriate for you to receive compensation for the work that you do in that realm.

And, if you are the person who you appear to be in your public persona, I have no doubt you will be open and honest about that fact, and that your integrity and honesty will be such that when conflicts arrive (as they are sure to do,) you will choose the right path. And the haters will hate, and the idiots will spew, and the fan boys won't care. But the rest of us will see what you are doing and will respect you for it.

It is not shameful to profit from doing good, hard, honest work. And the industry needs more people with the integrity to call BS on their own products or their own actions and correct the path.
Not what I was talking about lol. 270 Winchester short mag short fat, feeds rough.
That's what happens when USRAC (99.9% of manufactures and gun smiths) forgot or chose to ignore the Mauser system 98 rules of geometry for magazine boxes, feed rails, and feed lips...

@Imac45acp Will Montana Rifle Company have a production (or even pre-production) sample of this rifle at any of the hunting & shooting shows; perhaps Western Hunting Summit? I'd like to be able to handle one and run a magazine or two of dummy cartridges through it like my life depends on it.