Round 2:
7° F when started.
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Same as above- 4 ounces of water apiece- the Tikka and MRC got some extra.
Left to right:
1). Tikka T3 in ROKStok
2). Browning X-Bolt 2
3). Bat HH, with Bixn-Andy Tacsport trigger
4) MRC
5). Remington M700, factory trigger
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Update Jan 21, 2025.
This morning was 11° F.
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Rifles were checked in reverse order.
R700: Had to to beat bolt open and back, multiple cycles forward and back then a round fed. Bolt would not close even with pounding on the bolt handle. Ejected round out, fed again, beat on bolt again. Forced bolt handle closed. Firing pin released when trigger was pulled, but it was a light strike. Lifted bolt and closed, it snapped again with more force. Lifted again and ejected round. Cycled fine and firing pin released with full force. Worked after that. Approximately 60 seconds of work.
MRC: Safety operated fine, bolt was stiff opening but no issue. Pulled bolt rearward, ice and snow blocked its full travel. Pushed forward, pulled back and it went far enough back to grab cartridge. Pushed forward, round fed fine, a bit stiff to close but no issue. Firing pin fell on first trigger pull, but not full force. Cycled to eject round and the round wouldn’t release from the extractor due to the bolt not being able to go all the way back. Removed mag, removed round, reinsert mag- rifle and trigger functioned correctly after that. Approximately 12 seconds to return to full function.
BAT Hammer Head with BixN-Andy: Cycled bolt 2-3 times before the round picked up. Cycled fine after that, trigger was 100% dead- absolute failure to fire no matter what was done. Took approximately 34 minutes at 65° F inside for the trigger to work. The first 3-4 times after that were light strikes.
Browning x-Bolt 2: Had to spend approx 1 min beating open the bolt. Fed first round, but bolt would not close. Then couldn’t get the bolt back. Tried to remove magazine, it was frozen in. Had to smack magazine repeatedly to release it- when the magazine was removed, all the rounds fell out due to the rotary follower was frozen solid. Magazine was completely inoperable. Beat bolt open, round did not extract from chamber. Beat rifle on the buttpad with muzzle up and got round to fall out. Could not beat handle hard enough to get it to close. The magazine took approximately 10 minutes in my pocket to start working again. At 16 minutes I finally got the bolt closed- the trigger was 100% non-functional. It took just over 20 minutes at 66° F inside before it fired- and the firing pin released while not pulling the trigger (ND) the first time. Took 3-4 cycles before it really released the firing pin correctly.
Tikka: Bolt cycled back fine, was stiff going forward picking up first round due to ice and when the bolt came back a
lot of snow from the scope fell in the action. Instead of dumping it out, I brushed even more off like a dummy and filled the action. Again instead of opening the bolt and dumping the snow out, I shoved it forward. Rifle picked up round fine, but would not close due to the compressed snow/ice in the chamber.
From the video, right before closing the bolt-
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Needless to say it did not lock up. Pulled bolt back, slammed it forward, back again, forward, etc, etc. The round was encased in compacted snow/ice. Tried to beat buttpad on ground to get round to fall out- didn’t work. Hammered on bolt as hard as I dared- no joy. Pulled bolt, bolt face was filled with compacted snow.
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Scraped out ice with knife, reinserted bolt. Still would not close. Set rifle to the side and carried the others to the house. Came back and tried beating the bolt closed one more time. Got it closed. Then it would cycle fine, but took a couple tries for the extractor to pull cartridge out of the chamber. After it extracted the round, rifle worked fine. Approximately 8 minutes for rifle to return to full function. It was 100% due to me not brushing the snow off the rifle (like all the others) before opening the action.
Conclusion after second round.
BixN-Andy TacSport trigger is a complete failure with snow and ice. Browning X-Bolt 2 was a total failure due to the magazine not working at all; as well as the trigger being frozen- then it fired without trigger being pulled. R700 took a bit of work, but function returned quickly. The Tikka would have functioned without issue had I brushed the snow that was caked on like I did for all the others. But doing so and what followed caused its failure. The Montana Rifle Company rifle functioned correctly without issue.