A little more on 2)
The design goal here was to make a modern version of the pre-64 M70. The combination of CRF, 3 pos shroud mounted safety, and bomb-proof simple trigger system is what helped earn it's moniker "The Rifleman's Rifle". That sounds like some slick bs marketing line, but its the truth. Our goal was take the soul and functionality of the original, and throw in tight tolerance machining and superior materials. Take the trigger and sear for example- they're A2 tool steel, wire EDM cut to a tolerance of .0005", polished, head treated to 56-58 Rc, polished again, and the trigger is titanium nitride coated for slickness and wear resistance. The gold tone is just a byproduct of the TiN plating. I may do some different tooling type coatings in the future, but marketing and sales like the color, so we kept it.
I mentioned before the robustness of the design and some of the torture tests, but a more detailed description off how the safety operates should be noted-
Shroud mounted safeties have one HUGE advantage over 90% of the other systems. When transitioning from fire to safe, the lever cams the cocking piece rearward off the sear, and directly blocks it from any forward movement. There is no way for the cocking piece/firing pin to drop with the safety engaged. The third, rearmost position also locks the bolt in the down position which is handy as hell in brush. Another fun feature this allows is a field strippable bolt with no tools. You just remove the bolt with it on safe, press the shroud lock with your thumb and unscrew the shroud assembly from the bolt. Very handy if the rifle has been dunked and you want to ensure the water is all out (freezing temps ect). Even if you forget to apply the safety before removing, it's simple to put the bolt on safe out of the gun.
No rim fire. I love my 22s, but it's just not worth it.
As of right now, we're not planning on doing a .375 RokStok gun. These will have traditional sporter style stocks... for now. I'm 99% sure
@UM GM will be building himself one though!
It's quite possible. We haven't really discussed it internally yet. I'll happily provide the specs to anyone that wants to build them. UM has already done Form's test gun, so they've certainly got the capability.
Sweet! You'll have to come by for sure!
We opted for the two piece pic rail because our rifles are primarily top loaders. When we machined the one piece protos, it was a pain in the a$$ to load. Side story- you wouldn't believe the amount of hate we got putting the pic rail on a 'classic rifle'. One critic referred to it as "an aesthetically disgusting cheese grater. Internally we started referring to it as the ADCG rail, and all got a laugh out of it. We'll be doing a classic style slick top for the classic guys, and anybody that just has to have a 20MOA rail.
Measuring the cocking piece travel is gauge of consistency. As mentioned above, the safety lever's barrel cams the cocking piece to the rear off the sear when transitioning from fire to safe (no travel from safe1 to safe2 positions). It needs to move to fully disengage from the sear, but excessive movement translates to a safety that's very difficult to actuate. There are 6 components that locate the cocking piece's position relative to the safety when the rifle is in the cocked state. This location needs to be a .007 window for everything to work from gun to gun without fitting. We also measure the travel for cock on close. Again, we need a certain amount of travel, but excessive movement translates to crappy feeling as you're closing the bolt.