I doubt this claim can be substantiated. From what I know, this is not even close to being true.
It's been awhile since I did statistics, but it should be simple math. Obviously, this is assuming the odds don't change year-by-year, which they obviously do. So adjust the math below to fit the year.
Based on data from GoHunt (might be 2 years old), # of points and % chance to draw:
0pts = 74%
1pts = 0%
2pts = 97%
3pts = 100%
Buying points:
So year one, you buy a point before and your odds of drawing is 0% (not drawing 100%) $100 spent.
You buy 2nd point before applying the next year, $200 spent. Your odds of drawing is 97% (not drawing 3%).
Odds of one of the other occurring should be:
Probability of
not drawing either year: P(A and B) = P (A) x P(B) = 1.0 * 0.03 = 0.03 = 3.0%.
Probability of drawing in one of the two years = 1 - 3.0% = 97.0%.
Not buying points:
Probability of
not drawing either year: P(A and B) = P (A) x P(B) = 0.26 * 0.26 = 0.0676 = 6.76%.
Probability of drawing in one of the two years = 1 - 6.76% = 93.24%.
So you can spend an extra $200 and get a 3.76% higher chance to draw over 2 years.
Just for fun, year 3 odds to draw after not purchasing any points = 98.24%, so only 1.76% less chance after 3 years and $300 less.
Edited to update buying points strategy to buying first point before you apply instead of after (not allowed).