No. Have you read the thread? He was asked multiple questions that he avoided, ignored, of incorrectly answered. If he wanted a technical discussion he had the opportunity.
And the only reason that was made obvious was because people pushed him with questions that he didn’t answer. The very thing that “frustrated” you, is the exact thing that lead you to getting useful information.
No it isn’t isolated, but it is the norm for boutique mono metal companies. The only way it will stop is for manufacturers to get pushed into doing it.
You are incorrect in most companies not measuring and testing their bullets- all of the major manufacturers do legitimate ballistics gel testing, and most are using real BC numbers now.
Please quote where someone called him “a liar and a moron”. If you cannot, then you are doing the exact thing that people are tired of. Posters here did not want cherry picked photos of wounds and pats on the back, they wanted honest answers- I want honest answers.
He stepped out because he can’t or won’t answer questions. I have probably been called more names, cursed at, argued with, and berated than anyone on this forum ever- for only speaking on facts and demonstrable reality. If an owner of a company can’t answer technical questions about his product, that’s on him.
You mean other than the fact that you can go look at Hornady Gel testing data right now on their website? Or that their BC’s are Doppler verified?
First- saying that
@SMC_GUIDE was “attacked” is ridiculous. He was asked questions then would not answer them.
Second, you haven’t actually read the posts about DTAC bullets have you? Because if you had, you wouldn’t write what you did.
As above, you haven’t actually read much of what I have written have you? Because- again, if you had it would be obvious that I call out bullshit regardless of who it’s from.
I was the first person to post on the internet to show wounds and performance from NR DTAC’s. I posted every result from every animal that first year- I didn’t cherry pick which wounds to show. Not only that, I was and have been open about the fact that they do not behave the way DTAC claims they do, and that the deep cuts perform better. So either you again haven’t read very much, or you are just gaslighting about this.
Stop. I don’t “believe” in anything. I came to the rescue of MRC? You either either haven’t read the MRC thread- or you are purposely being deceitful. They sent a rifle that was nonfunctional out of the box and I wrote every bit of it in the thread. I also wrote when they fixed things.
The ROKStok is objectively an excellently designed field stock, and yet I have also pointed out the BS with production and QC issues that happened. And I wrote when they have fixed things. Same with NF, Maven, Trijicon, Hornady, Sierra, Tikka, etc, etc.
Where’s the roast? Please quote the posts that you believe are “roasting” SMC Guide.
What group think? Please be specific. And then I am going to ask you to provide the evidence for that “group” think. Because the only group think that actually exists here is still the myth and BS grandpappy said stuff. One could make a case potentially that “evidence based methodology” is becoming a “group think” on RS, but that isn’t actually “group think”.
Please quote anyone “protecting the order”. It certainly isn’t being done as a normal thing, and not in this thread.
So you respect “fact based analysis” yet have an issue with people asking fact based questions of the owner of a bullet company, and then being skeptical when those questions either don’t get answered, or when the answer is obviously incorrect?
Should be easy to quote in context, lots of those posts from those threads.