What does that have to do with anything? The man owns a company that makes a niche product, in an industry (small
machined copper mono companies) that lie, BS’s, repeats nonsense left and right, and avoids engaging in legitimate discussions.
He may be an awesome human- neat. What does that have to do with this thread? This thread isn’t about him or about how hard he works. It’s about the product. A product that when asked questions about it, his responses and lack thereof all give the same feeling as others of the ilk.
You act as if there isn’t constant arguing and nonsense from people about match bullets and smaller caliber performance and suitability- the difference is that group doesn’t have an issue speaking in depth about the technical aspects of terminal ballistics, external ballistics, shooting performance, or anything else.
My take from what is posted on this thread is that McGuire does not know how their bullets actually work- which means they aren’t doing legitimate terminal ballistics testing, and that means that they can’t reliably state the consistency of that performance. They do not know what the BC of their bullets are- which means they do not do their own testing, or they do not do enough testing.
Just the product, not personal.