Snowy day so I had to wait for @KickinNDishin and the demon spawn to go to church to set up my sander in the garage. Got my rough work done now it is all hand. If it weren't cerakote I'd be done, but I'm trying to preserve the finish and the jumping. Normally I'd just sand the scales down and take a little steel with it as well.
Fitting the scale bolster to the sheath has been a lil bit of a challenge too.
Going to mask off the steel and hand sand from here.
I make fly rods as well. When thinking through keeping these lightweight I was turning a rod grip and realized the answer was in front of me. So, I made a cork handle for an iron will knife and epoxied it together, worked great. I then had a havalon blade scalpel handle I did, then my own two hunting blades.
It won't hold up to pounding if you tried to use it as a chisel. It is waterproof, stick when wet, cushy and grippy, and lightweight.
I then tired some without epoxy, and they are going strong.
@justin davis has a maxamet mule with a cork handle, I think he likes the handle but not the steel. @feanor has my cork handled skinner he made the blade for. That happens to also be s90v and I'd venture to say he will tell you it's sharp.

Fitting the scale bolster to the sheath has been a lil bit of a challenge too.
Going to mask off the steel and hand sand from here.
Just pulled the trigger on one.
Thanks for the coupon code.
Thinking about doing a handle.
Curious why cork? I understand the weight but will it stand up to abuse?
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I make fly rods as well. When thinking through keeping these lightweight I was turning a rod grip and realized the answer was in front of me. So, I made a cork handle for an iron will knife and epoxied it together, worked great. I then had a havalon blade scalpel handle I did, then my own two hunting blades.
It won't hold up to pounding if you tried to use it as a chisel. It is waterproof, stick when wet, cushy and grippy, and lightweight.
I then tired some without epoxy, and they are going strong.
@justin davis has a maxamet mule with a cork handle, I think he likes the handle but not the steel. @feanor has my cork handled skinner he made the blade for. That happens to also be s90v and I'd venture to say he will tell you it's sharp.