Couldn’t sleep so decided to play with the scope a bit more. Here are some thoughts compared to my SWFA 3-15.
- Very pleased with the elevation turret, clicks are very well defined and turret feels robust.
- Love that the windage is capped.
- This is my first illuminated reticle and I love it. As others mentioned only the center dot is illuminated. There are 10 illumination settings and I really like that the illumination controls are 1-10 with an off position between each intensity level so you can easily switch illumination on or off at your desired setting.
- I really like the reticle, it reminds me of a simplified THLR. On 2.5x it’s just a duplex, or with level 10 illumination a nice Red-Dot. On 6x it’s equally usable to the SWFA MQ on the fixed 6 but I like this better thanks to labeled hash marks. I often have to count diamonds or hash marks when holding wind on the SWFA, which wastes time. No need to count on this reticle. On 10-15x it is very easy to see all sun tensions.
- The scope feels sleek and well made. I really hope it passes the drop test. If it does, I think it will be the new mid to long range hunting scope to beat in the $1000 range.
For those interested, here are some crappy iPhone photos of the reticle at various powers. The vertical numbers are each single digits, the repeated 22 and 44 are just typos on the reticle PDF. I wish I’d had this available from Maven prior to purchasing as the reticle was a big question mark for me when I ordered it…
Photo order:
- 2.5x without and with level 10 illumination
- 6x without and with level 5 illumination
- 10x without and with level 2 illumination
- 15x without and with level 1 illumination