Lobbying Wyoming game and fish negatively affecting non-resident elk hunters

Apr 28, 2021
But most PA residents could tell you every year the Steelers won the super bowl and who was quarterback
Apr 28, 2021
I m gonna share a sad sad story about my childhood. So get your kleenex boxes out. When I was a kid we would go down to the mountains of west Virginia and deer hunt . It was the "old days " you could virtually roam anywhere we hunted . It was an unwritten rule with most folks there . Then overtime the no hunting/ trespassing signs started showing up . I'm not sure if the tax breaks ended for the natural gas company or what . There land was posted . Wait a second what was happening here? we were introduced the cold hard fact of something called a " land lease " my brother and a bunch of buddies still hunt there. In fact 2 years ago the gas company did a clearcut. It looked like an atomic bomb went off (waiting for hardwoods to grow)Guess what ? They had no say in the matter . If you don't like it shut up and get out the way. "There are 100 guys waiting in line". I am sure there are guys here who have had similar experiences. I am aware leasing has been around a long time . The moral of the story is Times Change . Your kidding yourself even if your state owns the wildlife and there is no access. Maybe it's time to re-think Federal lands as country as a whole.
Apr 28, 2021
On Federal lands. Personally I wrestle with the idea of privatization of federal lands. There's that old delusional romantic envisioning Teddy Roosevelt out on his horse just downing a bison with a sharps rifle . The wild west. Then there's the reality check that one is living in 2022. Times have changed! I am 50/50 on thoughts of selling . Well how much of the land ?I saw 80 % sell . Maybe 90/10. That seems to be a popular ratio . I don't know ? That can be decided. Once it is . Look at a national auction oil, Natural gas, coal, timber, mineral, state wildlife agencies and yes private investors (bill Gates he's a nice guy . Chinese government. They own us anyway. Brush up on speaking mandarin ) . See how it settles out. Money to the federal coffers from the sale. The private natural resources companies depending on their thoughts could offer leases to those wanting to pay and had " hunting as a priority" understanding the sacrifice one has to make . The investors do whatever the choose. The states could also purchase federal land for their residents and wildlife and turn it into "state land" . Whatever state you live in would receive a huge boost of continuous tax revenue from the assessed value of the new private land . For a state to purchase land they may have pass legislation for state income tax, increase in user fees and hunting license. On the flip side their property tax revenue would help offset some of the cost ( this is how it works in most of the rest of the county). One Wyoming resident made a comment about the state being a "shit"state . This may help your economy.
Dec 23, 2021
I m gonna share a sad sad story about my childhood. So get your kleenex boxes out. When I was a kid we would go down to the mountains of west Virginia and deer hunt . It was the "old days " you could virtually roam anywhere we hunted . It was an unwritten rule with most folks there . Then overtime the no hunting/ trespassing signs started showing up . I'm not sure if the tax breaks ended for the natural gas company or what . There land was posted . Wait a second what was happening here? we were introduced the cold hard fact of something called a " land lease " my brother and a bunch of buddies still hunt there. In fact 2 years ago the gas company did a clearcut. It looked like an atomic bomb went off (waiting for hardwoods to grow)Guess what ? They had no say in the matter . If you don't like it shut up and get out the way. "There are 100 guys waiting in line". I am sure there are guys here who have had similar experiences. I am aware leasing has been around a long time . The moral of the story is Times Change . Your kidding yourself even if your state owns the wildlife and there is no access. Maybe it's time to re-think Federal lands as country as a whole.
The land you are talking about in West Virginia was likely private and leased. It’s not even close to the same thing as leased land on public. Here (Wyoming) you have the same access, leased or not. I wouldn’t recommend it but you can actually go on to a well pad and even shoot an antelope from one.
Dec 23, 2021
On Federal lands. Personally I wrestle with the idea of privatization of federal lands. There's that old delusional romantic envisioning Teddy Roosevelt out on his horse just downing a bison with a sharps rifle . The wild west. Then there's the reality check that one is living in 2022. Times have changed! I am 50/50 on thoughts of selling . Well how much of the land ?I saw 80 % sell . Maybe 90/10. That seems to be a popular ratio . I don't know ? That can be decided. Once it is . Look at a national auction oil, Natural gas, coal, timber, mineral, state wildlife agencies and yes private investors (bill Gates he's a nice guy . Chinese government. They own us anyway. Brush up on speaking mandarin ) . See how it settles out. Money to the federal coffers from the sale. The private natural resources companies depending on their thoughts could offer leases to those wanting to pay and had " hunting as a priority" understanding the sacrifice one has to make . The investors do whatever the choose. The states could also purchase federal land for their residents and wildlife and turn it into "state land" . Whatever state you live in would receive a huge boost of continuous tax revenue from the assessed value of the new private land . For a state to purchase land they may have pass legislation for state income tax, increase in user fees and hunting license. On the flip side their property tax revenue would help offset some of the cost ( this is how it works in most of the rest of the county). One Wyoming resident made a comment about the state being a "shit"state . This may help your economy.
The 80% sell thing is just some idiot throwing out random things because he seems to enjoy being a rabble rouser. It’s not something being seriously considered by anyone that matters. 90/10 isn’t about land divestment. It’s a tag ratio.

The “shit state” comment was me. I was kidding as if I were trying to convince NR’s to not ever come here. Wyoming is an excellent place to live and IMO second only to Alaska… A very close second and in some ways better.
Apr 28, 2021
As a western non-resident hunter my attitude towards privatization of federal does correlate (whether I want to admit it or not) with my ability to hunt or not . Call me selfish. Don't care. The amount insanity and financial madness , hostility coming from western state legislators and fish and game departments will drive non -resident hunters away from hunting in their states . Hunters will become more apathetic towards protection of western federal lands and consider privatization ,when previously wouldn't think of it. ........and yes I know people do other things on federal land like pick berries (I get mine from the frunit stand)


Nov 15, 2017
I m gonna share a sad sad story about my childhood. So get your kleenex boxes out. When I was a kid we would go down to the mountains of west Virginia and deer hunt . It was the "old days " you could virtually roam anywhere we hunted . It was an unwritten rule with most folks there . Then overtime the no hunting/ trespassing signs started showing up . I'm not sure if the tax breaks ended for the natural gas company or what . There land was posted . Wait a second what was happening here? we were introduced the cold hard fact of something called a " land lease " my brother and a bunch of buddies still hunt there. In fact 2 years ago the gas company did a clearcut. It looked like an atomic bomb went off (waiting for hardwoods to grow)Guess what ? They had no say in the matter . If you don't like it shut up and get out the way. "There are 100 guys waiting in line". I am sure there are guys here who have had similar experiences. I am aware leasing has been around a long time . The moral of the story is Times Change . Your kidding yourself even if your state owns the wildlife and there is no access. Maybe it's time to re-think Federal lands as country as a whole.

I really hope that in some small way you can see how federal and state land protect against the exact thing happening in the western states. There are a few exceptions, but basically if there is public access you can use those lands. They dont get abiterially taken away, but that is precisely what happens when ground gets privatized.

I really want you to consider what that would have looked like as a kid in WV and how similar it would look now. There is revenue in the minerals that are extracted, the timber that is logged, the outfitters that lease the recreation, all the while still letting you and me enjoy the great majority of what is leased. To think that you and I and 50 of our closest friends could buy a meaningful piece of the bob marshal or the cloud peakwilderness is not realistic. 2000 acres in those areas is a drop in the bucket. It is a birthright of our children to see what a wild places is. That's why creators had the foresight to say "a place were man is only a visitor" when referring to wilderness.

I get that you cant hunt there without an outfitter. I go into the wilderness areas 4-5 times a year (in two states) and none of them are to hunt. It's not a magic place were all the elk hide. Its is hell to get them out without stock and its mostly devoid of game by mid november anyway because snows are forcing animals down.

Some places are just to valuable to sold. I cant put it any other way. You are entitled to your thoughts, but it pains me to think that this great gift we were all given is taken so lightly and would be so quickly traded for a short term monitary gain.


Feb 1, 2014
Non-residents lobbying the local lawmakers on this front is worthless. The only way I could see where there might be some slowing of the direction towards 100/0 is if the non-hunting residents of western states decided they weren't excited about the 90% discount that the resident hunters get on their tags. If they told their legislators that they wanted resident hunters who are already getting extensive preference in tag availability and access, but they need to pay something closer to market value for their tags. Over the course of all the resident tags, there could be significantly higher revenue for the state. Extreme discounting of resident tag prices are a part of the problem IMO. Not likely to happen of course.
You mean the same 90% of the population that bitches if they have to pay $3 to park so they can go hiking and let their dogs run willy nilly off leash? I'll keep saying it til it changes, hikers, bird watchers, mtbers etc all need to pay their fair share. At least hunters and anglers are paying to be on the landscape on top of just taxes being paid in.

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Feb 1, 2014
Reading a number of posts it looks contacting a state legislator may be of little benefit. Hard to say. Can't hurt. It sounds like talking your US senator or congressman may have benefits if the feds can apply pressure or financial benefit to states that are "non -resident friendly "
Why don't you call your shop steward? Make him earn that 20% of your paycheck he's getting. Oh wait, nevermind, that goes to the dems to keep getting pro union crap passed. Nevermind, call your senator.

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Feb 1, 2014
Using Federal land is the key bargining chip over western States law negatively affecting non resident western hunters. Various ideas have been discussed. I had said earlier sell it off . Throughout this post I personally think to not sell would be wiser. Leave it open to hikers, bikers, berry pickers etc. Heavy fees for hunters was thrown out. I think the best option is to have the Federal government severely limit access to state resident hunters if their state chooses to not follow reasonable Federal rules pertaining to non-resident hunters. It would be then a states "choice" to follow them. Heck if you don't want any non- residents in your state push for it ,BUT . . . Federal land access will significantly decreased. Numbers of acres of lost access could be negotiated. Maybe something generous like 90/10 non-residents / residents. Could throw in other bonus features like residents can only hunt the low lands /foothills during the elk rut and then up high in December
Are you sitting around trying to think up even more idiotic ideas? Or do they just naturally pop up in your head?

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Apr 28, 2021
The land you are talking about in West Virginia was likely private and leased. It’s not even close to the same thing as leased land on public. Here (Wyoming) you have the same access, leased or not. I wouldn’t recommend it but you can actually go on to a well pad and even shoot an antelope from one.
My mistake I just talked to my brother . The land is owned by a timber company with gas company lease as well. There are lines, wellheads and pads ( not sure of jargon)on the lease. I realize what 90/10 as far as tags . It was tongue and cheek 90-sell/10-keep land. As that seems to be a popular odds number
Apr 28, 2021
Are you sitting around trying to think up even more idiotic ideas? Or do they just naturally pop up in your head?

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Sqeeky, I didn't mean to "trigger" you (I think that's what the snowflakes call it). I just feel " disenfranchised " that I don't have enough money, points, time, money again. To hunt all western States with elk/muledeer yearly . Just show the non-residents some love and fork over a few tags . I won't bring my dog running nilly /willy either . Next- to the stupid ideas. They seem to flow naturally. I'm currently on a long car ride and not driving. Lots of free time. My brain is working double time . I am loaded up with caffeine . The stupid ideas are flowing like a river. There will be lots more. Next -the union thing. I grew up in a union household . It put food on the table. When I was a young man I had I guess you could say a " Conversion" of sorts and saw the light of my erroneous philosophy and become a free market capitalist. I dont usually share personal politics unless someone asks and I felt like you "asked". Can I get an Amen . "It's just business nothing personal " Mario puzo -the Godfather
Apr 28, 2021
Sneaky, I would like to publicly apologize for the above smart arse post above. Even if attacked one should be above that. Sorry buddy- gutshot


Sep 26, 2018
Just wait until colorado goes 90 10. No more NR otc units and puts a cap on the amount of NR tags they sell its coming just a matter of time....think this thread is bad I can't wait to see that one.....
Haha, even in limited units they don’t get enough participation for all resident tags, some units NR get way more due to this.

Truthfully CO needs to limit the NR and do away with otc and/or being able to buy pref points yet still hunt those species in the same year.

I would also think at some point otc resident tags will end in WY as will NR hunting, well except for the future LO tags and Outfitter tags, which many won’t be happy about but will buy.
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