Lifetime License


Apr 20, 2022
I picked one up in Texas - it is good whether a resident or non-resident. Ended up moving after college. I hunted big game in Texas three or four times after moving and it payed for itself. Not sure what costs are now but it was well worth it in the 80's and I suspect currently as well as NR fees continue to rise.
The only drawback to some states is whether tags gets included or whether those go as add-ons for another fee.
I do recall it was quite the cash outlay for a broke high-schooler/college kid.
Do you mean if you buy it as a resident? I looked could not find a lifetime non-resident?
Jun 6, 2020
Boise, Idaho
Just out of curiosity, what does those lifetime tags cost? Montana doesn't offer those is why I ask
New York's Lifetime Hunting (includes deer and bear tags) and Fishing Combo is $765, if bought for ages 12-65.
Add another $235 for the bowhunting endorsement. Can also add muzzleloader and trapping.

When it was given to me back in '94, I'm remembering it was $500. Maybe?


May 9, 2018
I also have the MN sportsman plus deer gun and deer archery. Can still only shoot one deer where I’m at a year. Tough part is which to buy my kids and when.(cheapest is when they are 0-3 I believe) Also need to establish residency somewhere else haha

Nine Banger

Sep 28, 2023
I'm in SC.

There's a couple moving parts here:
- Lifetime Combo License (Hunting, Big Game, Freshwater Fishing)
- Lifetime Saltwater Fishing
- and the loathsome Lifetime Migratory Bird Permit

I hate to use the "s" word but the Migratory Bird Permit is stupid. Its "free" every year but you have to go thru the motions and check boxes and check out and pay a $5 convenience fee to get it before you may hunt marsh hens AKA clapper rails. We hunt marsh hens once a year and half the guys forget until the day of or night before or don't even realize they aren't compliant until they show up and hear this issue being discussed amongst the guys. Glad to have a lifetime opt out but still...

I bought my kids each of our lifetime licenses before they were 2. There was a big price break between 2 and 3 years of age. My main rationale besides $ tho was foreseeing if they move away I don't want them to have to jump thru nonresident hoops to hunt on their own farm where they grew up.

I finally got mine last year. It was expensive but now I don't have to dick around with tracking when to renew and I always recall the one year I renewed at the wrong time and it expired in the middle of deer season the following year.

In SC the lifetime license fees go to an endowment instead of going into the general fund where politicians can have a say. That feels good.

I think mine was $710 with all the bells and whistles. The kids were around $200.00
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Aug 10, 2023
My grandpa got me one here in Oklahoma for my 10th birthday, and it's been amazing. Never have had to buy tags or fishing licenses or anything, even when I lived out of state for most of my 20s. I will be buying one for my son when he gets a little older.
Apr 26, 2019
Pacific North West
I bought one when I was an Idaho resident before the non resident tags started selling out December first. Turned out to be an even better investment than I realized. In Utah for the wife’s school now and still have 4 years left until we can move back Idaho. I don’t have to worry about if I’ll get my elk and deer tag every year and that’s a huge blessing. Still have to pay for non resident tag fees but that’s worth it.


Sep 26, 2018
My parents gave me one for my 21st Birthday. Lifetime fishing, small game, big game (and archery?) for New York. This was back in 1994, just a few years before I moved out West, were I've been ever since. It was one of the most memorable gifts I've ever been given, even though I don't use it. When I retire and can travel more, I'll be taking advantage of it.

With that... when I'd been in Missoula long enough, I was going to buy a resident Montana license. In going over their regulations, it mentions that you cannot have a resident license if you posses a residence license in another state. Which makes sense, because I know falsifying residency in western states for tags is a 'thing', or was. But what about these Lifetime License situations?

Being the Boy Scout that I am, I called the office in Helena to explain my situation, all while keeping myself anonymous (I'm a Scout, but I'm not stupid). When I called back days later after they tacked down some guidance, I was told technically it IS against MT state laws. However the tone was one that communicated "Yeah, technically this is a violation, but... tracking YOU down is not a priority".

I then called the DEC in Albany to explain what happened. Ended up talking to some brass in the licensing bureau who was clearly frustrated for me, sounds like I wasn't the first to call about this scenario. He basically stated that they are never going to know and they are incorrect in interpreting what Lifetime License privileges mean for New York. He ended the conversation saying "We got to get our solicitors involved in this".

Anyway, I just bought the MT resident license, and other states where I've lived since, and haven't had a problem.
Lifetime license doesn’t give you resident status, it allows you as a NR to purchase tags and enter draws as a NR at R prices.


Jul 20, 2012
My grandparents gave my brother and I lifetime hunt/fish licenses as Birthday gifts the respective year that we would have had to purchase our first license. They have long ago paid for themselves. My wife and I have done the same for 2 of our 3 sons. The 3rd will be next year. I doubt all 3 boys stay in the state as they go on to live their own lives. I hope they will come back and hunt or fish with their dear ‘Ol dad on the cheap.
Apr 14, 2019
Fort Myers , FL
Life can take a lot of unexpected twists and turns. I never thought
I would live in four different states for long periods of time each.
If your a person that will never move out of your state and younger then it might be a thing to do.

These days its not much of a hassle in most states to renew your annual license. A couple clicks on your phone and thats it.

Some people may be uncomfortable doing this but I have both my FL resident and my Alabama nonresident set up on auto renew. Prior to issuing both states ask me if there are any changes.
It works for me.


Feb 7, 2024
We lived in Indiana for a few years and I got one. They don’t sell them anymore. I have used it some, but don’t have access to any good hunting there anymore. Hopefully,some day I can find someone who wants to let me hunt in exchange for me letting them hunt my Ky land.


Jul 2, 2017
Lifetime hunting/fishing here in AL. My grandparents gave it to me as a birthday present when I was 16. It’s one of those presents that I still really appreciate years later.


Apr 20, 2022
If you do the rough math for AZ. For a young guy under 29 it's $1029 roughly 20 years of resident combo license's. Seems worthwhile if you plan on doing the 30 point creep. LOL
Mar 1, 2017
Eagle River, AK
Do you mean if you buy it as a resident? I looked could not find a lifetime non-resident?
Never heard of such a thing as a lifetime Non-resident license. I do t think it’s a thing.

The huge value in lifetime licenses come when you leave the state and can go back and continue to hunt
Oh, I agree and the Albany guy said that as well. I made that point to Helena, but that still wasn't good enough for them.
this- you need to learn to only share information with the Government on a Need to know basis. There is absolutely no point in trying to argue with a government official just to make a point!

If they let you buy it, then absolutely buy it.


Apr 20, 2022
Lifetime license doesn’t give you resident status, it allows you as a NR to purchase tags and enter draws as a NR at R prices.
I wonder how many other states have that statue. It kind makes no sense if the lifetime gets you a ticket. I guess the only way a warden would know is if they ran a check. Not worth it to me.


Nov 24, 2020
In Iowa it's a pretty good deal for seniors, but when I got mine it was good only for a small game hunting license. You still have to buy a deer and/or turkey tag, but no state bird stamps. Not sure if younger hunters can get one. Also available separately for fishing. When the opportunity to print it pops up, print several copies as there is a charge to access it later. Keep a copy in your wallet as well as your vehicles.