Lets Introduce ourselves!

Jon Mitchell
Divorced with 2great sons 15 & 12
Firefighter/Paramedic x 25 yrs
Stuck in Ohio for awhile longer:mad:
Love to bow hunt and shoot, especially action pistol
Married with two awesome daughters
From the East coast, but live in the Bay Area, California, fell in love with the west, and don't wanna go back.
Work for an agency that got in trouble for prostitutes.
Have never paid for a prostitute.
Nick S. (34)
San Diego, CA.
Married with 3 kids. Policeman.
Outdoorsman. Bowhunter. Having fun showing my kids all that the outdoors has to offer!
Chad Harvey 33
Beaverton, OR
Grew up in Harrisville, MI
Railroader. I also have an FFL and sell some firearms and do a little gunsmithing.

Addicted to back country bow hunting, but probably a better photographer than a hunter.
Rene Alejo
Married with a 2yr old daughter. Both enjoy the outdoors and hunting.
Live in El Paso, TX
Enjoy fishing, camping, photography and hunting deer, elk, dove, turkey with rifle, bow and muzzleloader. Backpack hunted elk in Colorado these past 2 yrs and loving it.
29 for another couple months
Father of one 18 month old boy
South Dakota from MT originally
Active Duty Air Force for 11 years so far and volunteer fire fighter for 2 years (taking EMT b currently)

Avid hunter
Rookie backpack hunter
Zack Bakker


West Michigan (grew up) Lewiston, Idaho (transplant)

Foreman/Project Manger in the Electrical Trades

Papa to be for the first time

41- SE Ohio , Grew up in SW Pennsylvania.

Im married and have a ten year old son.

Water Treatment Plant Operator

Hunt mainly bowhunt for whitetails, hunt turkey, yotes and waterfowl. One bow elk trip under my belt.
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44, married and work in the high tech industry.
Moved to Vancouver, WA last year. Before that I spent 6 years in the SLC area.
Got my first blacktail in October.
I have been an elk hunter for the last 4 years but not yet an elk killer.
John Freiberger
Gear junky, avid bowhunter, and predator hunter.
3 boys and a girl that will out hunt most of us and out shot anybody I know
Manage a bunch of old grain elevators in se colorado
Greg Baisden
Married to a wonderful woman with 1 stepson
A veterinarian in NW Indiana
Diehard bow hunter. Also love bird hunting with my GSP's!
Married with 3 kids
First 28 years in Colorado, a stop in Wisconsin and now British Columbia
Sr Hazmat Manager for a rail road
Recovering gear a'holic. Gas money / float plane rides are more important than the latest and greatest gear!
Grew up in Az, now living in CO and loving it
I'm in sales
Gun junky
Gear junky
And now soon to be a bow junky
I'm playing catch up on crap I should have done in my 20's. Thank God my wife is patient and understanding.
Rex, 41, reside in Northern Ca X zones. Rifle hunter and budding backpacker/bow hunter. Electrician for hydro electric utility. Getting into the out of state hunting game.
Trevor Embry
23 YO
Finishing up my final year of Pharmacy School
From Bowling Green, KY
Currently live in Birmingham, AL
Have been archery only for big game since I was 15. Bowhunting Junkie doesn't even begin to describe me.

Looking to move to New Mexico or Alaska in 2015 depending on how job offers go.
Western Montana
BS Wildlife Biology
Archery gear addict. Part time bow technician, hobby metal fabricator.
Work in landscaping.
Backcountry hunting fanatic and Gear junkie.
Father of two daughters. Husband to one very understanding wife.
John Peters


SR Buyer/Sourcing

Clackamas, Oregon with a Great Wife and little girl (22 months old)

I am a gear junkie, but only because I have too many outdoor pursuits..... (I would say dont tell my wifey, but I think its gotten bad enough she knows....)
Stewart Farnum


Live in Iowa, Grew up in Illinois, born and lived all across the South

Forest Technician for the IDNR, volunteer firefighter/EMT

Whitetail bowhunter, waterfowl, fishing, hiking/camping, woodsman/bushcraft
starting to get more into off-roading and about a million other interests. Just need a bigger pay check and more free time.