Lets Introduce ourselves!

Cumberland Co. Ky
2 children and one in the oven. Did first backpacking elk hunt last october in Co and loved it. Learned a tremendous amount of info from this site before that backpacking trip. Love to hunt whitetail, turkey, and elk.
Travis 35
Born in the mountains of Idaho and didn't make it very far away.
Police Sergeant
3year rookie bow hunter
Don't remember shooting my first gun I was pretty little. Got my own Daisy pump at 5 and haven't stopped hunting since.

I'm not a gear junkie I have all the gear I need... until I find something better.
Paul Mocciaro 50
Married w/ 4 kids
New Jersey (Communist state)
Plumbing contractor in New York City
Bow hunter
Gear junkie
Second Amendment supporter
William Hanson, 34, friends call me BJ (Bill Jr) I know I know.

From Southern California (awful state) now live is Missouri.

Construction contractor (mostly flooring)

Gun and bow hunt but mostly bow.

Married with 1 child (10 month old boy)

Not a gear junkie yet but I'm trying.
Tommy Prumer, 40
Texas ( Dreaming of moving to Colorado in 5 more years hopefully)
Husband, Father
USAF 4 years (medic) and the last 15 years (Police Officer)
Bow Hunter (Elk and Buffalo for the first time this winter) and of course a gear junky
Jason 37
Lived in Missoula for a short time after high school, still trying to make it back
Bowhunter- deer,turkey. Also like to do some duck hunting
I also did my first elk hunt last sept and am hooked!
I have learned a lot from the rokslide family that is for sure!
Slowly becoming a gear junkie and am adding every chance I get
David 21
Engaged going to get married in July
Live in South Dakota
A senior in college going for teaching
Like to hunt waterfowl, pheasants, deer. Hopefully some day soon I can go shoot an elk and a bighorn sheep.
David Linton 26
Structural engineer
Recently divorced....more time to hunt now
Have a gear buying problem!
Josh 40
Eastern Idaho
Refractory Specialist
Recently divorced, 2001 I think.., two great daughters who both hunt and fish
Elk hunting fool, archery, rifle, and muzzle loader. Have a gear problem too...
JT Larkin
28 years old
Weatherford Texas
Work in the Oil Field
Ive been bowhunting since i was 10.. Ive been to Africa twice (which is why i have such limited hunting out west) I am going to try to shoot the super 10 with my bow... Graduated from Texas A&M University.. I have learned alot from this site already..
Mike Hess 33
S Central PA, but living through all you guys out west on here.
Carpenter, father of 2 bow shooting girls ages 5,2, love all kinds of hunting!
retired (26 years Navy) now business owner
Originally from MN but now reside in CO
Archery/Muzzleloader/Rifle hunter
not sure I qualify as a gear "junkie" but I have a strong appreciation for gear that works as it should...
Todd Huston,
45 yrs old,
Married 24 years with 2 boys 17, 19,
Live in the Oregon "Valley",
Hunted archery growing up, but started rifle hunting only about 12 years ago.

I am a Project Manager for a steel fabricator in Clackamas, OR. I have been with the company for 22 yrs.