let's discuss your folding knife. the one with you Right now :D

An Opinel no. 6.
Dead simple, takes a great edge, and doesn't hurt if you lose one in airline security or leave one stuck a stump. There's one in my pocket all the time, and another on the shelf in case I lose the first one, or as an impromptu gift for a visitor.
Nothing I'd recommend as a primary knife for a survival situation, but for everyday use, it does a great job sharpening pencils, marshmallow sticks, dressing small game, slicing apples, opening envelopes, and whittling, among other uses.
I have ran a Benchmade Onslaught or Griptilian for years. I love their AXIS locking system. I just picked up a Zero Tolerance 0350 in a trade and started to work it in for EDC. This knife is very well built and some what addicting to open and close. Very cool flipper. I personally don't think you can have too many knives.
I’ve been carry a Spyderco Endura for the last 10 years. I also carry a pistol and have always carried the knife on my support side and open it with my left hand. It’s cleaned a bunch of animals and is easy to sharpen. When I’m on the beach or fishing it goes inside waistband of my shorts and despite weeks of saltwater exposure it doesn’t seems to pick up much rust at all. (VG10 steel)
I used to have a bit of an edc folder collecting problem. Primarily focused on Spyderco and had some pretty cool stuff but started to realize the only thing I was using them for was opening the next knife box that came in the mail.

Nowadays I carry this cheap Kabar Dozier. It's super light weight and thin and if I lose it no worries. I've been thinking about picking up another Delica though. Probably my favorite edc of all time.

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I really like how thin the 3.5'' Buck Bones knife is. It's the only one I've found that will clip inside a rubber boot without digging into you calf.

I've bought about 30 over the past few years and have the laser imprinted and give to friends.



The Benchmade Volli has been what I’ve carried for the last few years. Carries in your pocket well and stout enough for nearly any use.

Case Medium Jack. 2 blades and it's in my pocket every time I leave the house. This in spite of owning multiple Benchmade (Small Emissary, Custom Mini-Griptillian, Foray) knives, a great Spyderco Caly 3, and a host of other really nice knives. The only reason I ever carry anything but the Case is just plain boredom.

Recently I've been eyeing a knife that's been on my shelf for a year or so. I might have to put this one into the rotation.

Cheap and cheerful, CRKT Lake 111.

What I like about it:

Cheap, I'm not sweating if I lose, chip, or break it, easily replaceable.
Locking system, I don't trust liner locks.
Don't notice nit in my pocket
Hold and edge pretty good, easy to sharpen

What I'd trade up for:
Nice/flashier/classier design
Slightly bigger overall knife/blade
Something that opens faster with one hand

As soon as I've settle on this cheap blade, I don't seem to lose it...go figure!


I bought a bunch of these for my groomsmen, but didn't get one myself, wish I did...
Spyderco Manix II or Paramilitary II every day except when donning dress clothes. Then I use a Benchmade 480 Shoki. The Manix has broken down a few whitetails, hoping to use the Paramilitary soon.

Currently i have a esee avispa in my pocket. Knives were a huge obsession for awhile but i only held onto my favorites, i rotate a knife out when it needs sharpened and sharpen all my folders at once. The rest of my rotation is.

Spyderco endura super blue steel
Esee zancudo(no sure the spelling)
Rat 1 folder
Kershaw blur
Kershaw cryo
Ka bar bob dozier hunter
Spyderco persistence

I think thats all of them, they all get used hard but they do what i ask of them.

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This spring i upgraded my EDC knife after carrying a cheap one for quite some time. I chose a Benchmade Mini barrage with the G10 handle. Solid little knife.

That's what I have and I sure think it's a great knife also. Perfect size and shape on the blade and the handle is really comfortable. I like the extra heft and feel of the G10 handle also.
Benchmade griptilian for me. Been carrying it for years (lost a couple back in the day and keep coming back to it). This is one of the higher end in the griptillian family....20cv/g10 scales and a sheepsfoot blade

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The Benchmade Volli has been what I’ve carried for the last few years. Carries in your pocket well and stout enough for nearly any use.


I've had mine a few years now. I want to get the new best thing but how do you replace something you like so much?
I took the pocket clip off and it's pretty comfy.