Public land florida turkey hunt a few years back...
Night before the hunt i stay up a little later than I should have...and had a few more beers than I should have. I woke up late, still dark but late. Grabbed a monster energy from the fridge and bolted out of the door. Got to the trailhead and started marching to my zone. I get about half way there and nature calls...LOUDLY....and I have no paper on me. So I now have no socks and an itchy bunghole. Finally get to my oak tree and have a sit...Look down and I am covered in ticks. I picked several dozen off of me and got bit about 18-20 times, no fun. I fumbled around the woods dehydrated with no water, covered in tick bites, raw arse, and no socks. 2pm hits, hunt over. Get back to the truck to find that I locked the keys and the cell phone inside of the truck! FML. Thankfully there was one other truck at the trailhead and didnt take him long to show up (fellow turkey hunter) Nice guy called a locksmith and drove me out of the WMA to the gas station to meet up with locksmith. (Step dads truck, no spare). Miserable experience.