King for a day... Hunting Laws you wished existed, or didn’t exist.


Dec 22, 2018
Preachin to the choir, but I agree with all of this. Everyone says we all voted for this mess, but I know I sure didn't.
California will be a good study one day on how single party, borderline extremism destroys its environment.
This place is like the hot, smart chick from highschool who screwed her life up on meth, it's just depressing anymore to witness the waisted potential.
Sound science and opinions will never prevail outhere because they dont fit the narrative that the left and anti-hunters push.
Sadly they're better organized and they know how to push and agenda and get it passed. Then factor in how many pro-gun and pro-hunting supporters have fled back east to escape this disaster in the making and the writing on the wall is not promising. But damn it, if I was king for a day it would STOP.

Boarderline extremism?
Aug 22, 2019
I wish a 10.0 earthquake would carry San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose, etc. all the coastal California cities out into the Pacific. They can make their own nation out there if anybody survives. Rural California can return to being a paradise.... hunting, diesel trucks that don't have to run on pig pee, coffee would stop causing cancer and birth defects.....

Ok, as far as hunting laws Virginia
#1 Hunting with dogs should be limited to the last 2 weeks of rifle AT MOST. What is wrong with people releasing dogs during muzzleloader season??? And why stir up everything and everybody on the first day of rifle when you can only kill antlered whitetails???
Basically, some guys only owns few acres, so they let there dogs run across the neighborhood and ruin all the stand hunters in hopes that there yapping critters are gonna chase a buck in front of their pickup so they can lean across the hood and shoot.
The OP is spot on on NR tags out west.

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Jan 17, 2013
No shed hunting. (At least until July when all the calves/fawns have been born and the pressure won't hurt them.

Castrate violators of closed roads and off-trail ATV use.

Ban all domestic sheep from bighorn sheep range. And I mean private land also. (Including every little hobby farmer with sheep in their backyard.

Create an interstate trophy species compact where all states as a group agree to not allow anyone to kill more than 1 Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, or Moose in states where those are Once-in-Lifetime species. (To clarify, once you kill a Bighorn Sheep in any state, you're done, no other state will issue you a tag for that species, same goes for the other trophy species.)

No state can issue a single NR tag for a species if their tag allocation system has residents who do not draw a tag for the same species. (Meaning that if there are so few tags available that not every resident can draw, then no NR residents can draw at all.) Not a problem I have but I can see how demand is pushing us to more limited opportunity in the not so distant future.

Ban any and all development of Big Game Wintering ranges. Recover as much winter range as possible.


Oct 9, 2017
Make Me king and trail cameras are gone day one. It gets discouraging hiking into a water hole and finding cameras hanging all over on different trees. The guys with the cameras feel ownership of waterhole.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
Thought of a couple of more:

-Outlaw high fence hunting operations

-outlaw deer (and elk) farming/livestock operations.

-pull sheep grazing permits on public lands where big horn sheep range.

-outlaw baiting for any species but feral hogs.

-enact legislation that allows charges for possession of bait and bait paraphernalia. If a kid can go to jail in Texas for possessing a unused bong, then a guy can go to jail for possessing 3 bags of “deer corn” the day before the season opens.

-outlaw “reaping” turkey tactics as well as turkey hunting from a blind made of anything other than localized, natural materials (exception of handicaps).

-duck hunters have to pass a profile examination to determine that they don’t have narcissistic personality disorder before they are allowed to possess waders or a semiautomatic shotgun. (A narcissist duck hunter can still hunt without use of either if they are determined).
Aug 22, 2019
Poser is spot on especially with the no farm/high fence thing. That is turning animals into merchandise.

Agree with no baiting except feral hogs as well.

I think biologists and Department of Game would accomplish far more against CWD and other contagious diseases by outlawing these two things than by enforcing strict rules on transportation of carcasses.

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Apr 1, 2013
If your a farmer, and file losses on your taxes due to wildlife depredation you have to allow hunting access!

Our tax dollars go to helping them out plus a lot of them double down and charge high fees for someone to hunt. You can’t have it both ways

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I’m the opposite I’d give more tags or unlimited tags to the land owners. Those tags IMO are the greatest conservation tool we have. If those tags have more value then what the loses are then the tolerance and then the management goes up 100 fold.

wasn’t long ago that wildlife use to get laid over if caught on ag, new generations have seen the value of also managing habitat for wildlife.

outside of that collection of Road kill would be legal
Apr 1, 2013
Oh I wouldn’t ban HF, there are some management value especially in migration corridors and High population area where they are used to keep animals out but would ban the breeder industry all together. Scents included
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Mar 16, 2016
League City, TX
I dont really think banning high fences and feeders across the board is the right way to go about it but I am curious to see what the effect would be in places that rely heavily on them.


May 4, 2017
Broken Arrow, OK
Keep federal lands federal and put a stop to states selling off federal lands that were reverted to state management.

States don’t have the financial resources at their disposal like the government does to manage large tracts of public. We need to retain all public land out west.

I would also like to see hunting allowed at more national monuments.

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Sep 26, 2017
Republic of Vancouver Island
I'd like to see residents and non residents in BC on the same system for tags, if a resident has to draw, so does a non-resident.
I'd like to see guide allocations knocked waaaaay back down.
I'd like Grizzlies opened back up.
I'd like to see laws enforced equally, rather than racially divided enforcement.
I'd like to see crown land not being gated off by private entities.
I'd like to see a LOT more conservation officers working.
I'd like to see non resident poachers booted out of the country.

Probably gonna upset some people with that, but I think every province or state should manage resources with their resident's opportunities as priority.


Mar 16, 2016
League City, TX
No blocking of publicly owned roads by private entities, period. If it runs through your property and you want it fenced off then you gotta fence it along the road on both sides.


Jul 26, 2015
I’m the opposite I’d give more tags or unlimited tags to the land owners. Those tags IMO are the greatest conservation tool we have. If those tags have more value then what the loses are then the tolerance and then the management goes up 100 fold.

wasn’t long ago that wildlife use to get laid over if caught on ag, new generations have seen the value of also managing habitat for wildlife.

outside of that collection of Road kill would be legal

I see your angle and don’t fully disagree. But in that case I just don’t think they should be able to rip off our tax dollars. The problem is the double dipping. Selling the tags and making more money, yet still crying wolf about the crop damage

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May 24, 2016
I would make moose archery season in Alaska be the two weeks before and after rifle season for each GMU.

Repeal NFA and make suppressors mandatory for hunting like in Europe (cool thing they have there). It would hopefully lead to lower prices for suppressors and I hate a big magnum going off next to my head.

Lefty’s would love this. Force all hunters to pay a 200$ tax to go hunting.
Nov 30, 2019
No “driving” deer on public land. I have no problem with still hunting and often do it myself, but having a bunch of guys walk a thicket yelling and trying to scare deer to another hunter just doesn’t seem like a fair chase. Also, it ruins everyone else’s hunt nearby on public.