

Jan 1, 2015
I hate to mix politics with hunting but the recent declaration by the City of San Francisco Board of Supervisors that the NRA is a domestic terrorist organization, sort of makes all members of the Association terrorists by default, myself included. Thats sort of a big deal where I come from.

I am not into judging others or a tin foil hat guy. I don't have to agree with everyone or convince them that they are wrong. I don't even wear plaid, flannel shirts. Normally, I ignore political rhetoric or I at least try too, but this is an issue that can not be ignored.

Declaring people and organizations as terrorists because they are in your way, is not only insulting but can impact civil rights in the US. Try flying after being identified as a terrorist. Buying a gun. Getting "red flagged" by the local police department as a "threat". You can be detained indefinitely. This is serious stuff and this is just a toe being dipped in the water. It is McCarthyism on steroids and going unchecked could have real world consequences down the road.

I personally have to do something. As such, I am done doing business with companies based in California. I will not pay any sales taxes to that state going forward. None. I will buy from other companies and purchase other brand products, if at all possible. I will no longer vacation or travel there. I am not stupid enough to believe that this will impact the state or companies in any meaningful way but it is something. It won't be fair to some small companies that I currently do business with but it is what it is. They need to get involved with their Representatives, change it or move.

I am also going to be writing letters to my Representatives on this issue demanding some type of political action, consequence or retraction. I am going to be writing to the Speaker of the House to determine where she stands, as a matter of public record. I believe she lives in San Francisco.

You can call me an idiot or any name you like on the internet. You can call me Johnson. I could care less. Calling me a terrorist in any form goes past the line because it is a real term. A real threat with consequences.

I am not planning on debating the above. Agree or disagree but if world history is a guide, you demonize the opposing side until violence seems like a reasonable action and twist the facts until you can blame the victim for starting it. France, Russia, Germany, China for the last couple of hundred years it repeats. I read once that less than 15 % of Germans were actually members of the National Socialist party. Unfortunately, the other 85% kept their mouth shut until it was too late to do anything about it.
Aug 1, 2018
Land of Chief Illiniwek
I have lived here since 1999 not by choice but for family reasons. Those reasons have passed and it's now time to move on. I hope to be gone by summer of 2020. I won't go into rant mode but I will have zero regrets when I cross the state line heading east.
Sep 5, 2019
Sad they’d rather consider law abiding citizens terrorists over all the gangs and drug cartels that flood the southern part of the state.

They should split the state in half and have a North California and South California. Somewhere around Sacramento would be good.

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Jan 13, 2019
I'm born and raised in Ca, some great things about the state, some real dumb ones too. I'm no fan of the NRA at all, think they are only in it for their own pocketbooks and a net negative nationally, but this SF thing is dumb as hell.
Jan 17, 2014
I've lived in CA most of my adult life ( besides 5 years in the military) and regardless of the obvious COMMIE retards in the majority of elected positions I keep staying. I still have some hope. My day to day life and outdoor adventures in this state are top notch. Live year round in the Sierra and hit up coastal mountains a few times a year. pretty amazing. Deer and pig hunting opportunities are OTC and not too bad. I still vote during election time and due my duty although its almost in vain. If I watch the news ID looks better and better but with my head buried in the sand life is bliss.


Jul 14, 2019
there is no doubt the california left has gone completely insane. even the fence sitters have to see it by now . if not they never will.
this may finally be the catalyst that swings the pendulum back
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
California had so much potential. It is probably the most beautiful lower 48 state. Ports, great weather, resource rich, etc.... But, its been a lost cause for a longtime due to its southern cities. That unfortunately out number the northern voters. Good luck to all its inhabitants.


Jul 14, 2019
California had so much potential. It is probably the most beautiful lower 48 state. Ports, great weather, resource rich, etc.... But, its been a lost cause for a longtime due to its southern cities. That unfortunately out number the northern voters. Good luck to all its inhabitants.
good luck nothing🙄, I long to see them reap what they've sown.🍊🍋🍌🍉 s n 🥜🥜s
Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC
I hereby declare the City of San Francisco Board of Supervisors a domestic terrorist organization!

Also...all the so called men on that board are hereby declared cucks.

- Bunch of lawyers who went to those big name ultra-left wing schools that movie stars bribe so their kids can go there.
- White dude born in Iran whose major was African American studies
- Board president = Communications Major

Oh, what the heck did I expect; they were elected by San Franciscans. o_O
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Jul 3, 2012
Central Cal
California had so much potential. It is probably the most beautiful lower 48 state. Ports, great weather, resource rich, etc.... But, its been a lost cause for a longtime due to its southern cities. That unfortunately out number the northern voters. Good luck to all its inhabitants.
Come on now. Our problems go way beyond Southern CA....
Jul 7, 2018
The city of San Francisco is also the county of San Francisco, one of 58 counties in California. And although they are the spearhead of lunatic city policies in the Golden State, not every county is run like SF County. Actually most are not. Los Angeles, Marin, SF, Alameda, and occasionally San Diego counties go full retard on a routine basis. That is why plastic straws wrapped in paper are banned, but you can now get paper straws wrapped in plastic. SF prides itself in being an environmentally conscious city, but washes hundreds of pounds of human feces into the bay and the pacific ocean each day. Los Angeles now is being overrun with rats, and bubonic plague and typhus are making a bold and vintage pre WW1 come back. It is because their city leadership has lost their leftist minds, and the super majority (D) who run Sacramento try to pass any law, regardless if it solves a problem or not, just to claim they are doing something...about something, even if they do not know what something is, or even how to spell something.

However, when you live here you learn to ignore the stupidity coming from SF and LA. I would suggest to members in the future when you see a news title of “San Francisco”.., or “Los Angeles”....you just keep scrolling by, as nothing positive or resembling common sense will follow with the news story. It has been going on for years.

In a few months I will be retired and out of this Godless and Lawless State, but keep in mind not all of California is San Francisco or Los Angeles. There are good parts of the state and good people here in occupied territory.

And on a side note, KUIU is in California in the town of Dixon, a farming community west of Sacramento. Boycott San Francisco but if you like that brand of hunting clothing and gear, you won’t want to boycott the whole State.


Dec 8, 2018
I had a member from urban California on here pm me recently because he loved wolves and I “ hurt” his feelings because I explained to him that he had no clue as to wolves negative impact on elk and moose and deer.

I lived in N California a few years in the 80’s and loved surfing and skiing the same week. Shame the progressive libs ruined what is arguably one of the most beautiful places in the world

Funny pathetic dude🤡


Jul 14, 2019
The city of San Francisco is also the county of San Francisco, one of 58 counties in California. And although they are the spearhead of lunatic city policies in the Golden State, not every county is run like SF County. Actually most are not. Los Angeles, Marin, SF, Alameda, and occasionally San Diego counties go full retard on a routine basis. That is why plastic straws wrapped in paper are banned, but you can now get paper straws wrapped in plastic. SF prides itself in being an environmentally conscious city, but washes hundreds of pounds of human feces into the bay and the pacific ocean each day. Los Angeles now is being overrun with rats, and bubonic plague and typhus are making a bold and vintage pre WW1 come back. It is because their city leadership has lost their leftist minds, and the super majority (D) who run Sacramento try to pass any law, regardless if it solves a problem or not, just to claim they are doing something...about something, even if they do not know what something is, or even how to spell something.

However, when you live here you learn to ignore the stupidity coming from SF and LA. I would suggest to members in the future when you see a news title of “San Francisco”.., or “Los Angeles”....you just keep scrolling by, as nothing positive or resembling common sense will follow with the news story. It has been going on for years.

In a few months I will be retired and out of this Godless and Lawless State, but keep in mind not all of California is San Francisco or Los Angeles. There are good parts of the state and good people here in occupied territory.

And on a side note, KUIU is in California in the town of Dixon, a farming community west of Sacramento. Boycott San Francisco but if you like that brand of hunting clothing and gear, you won’t want to boycott the whole State.
or ……………. if kuiu values the hunting tradition it is founded on, maybe they might consider relocating to a state that actually approves of them.
Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC
Milestone522, you are right. Not all of Cali is filled with liberals. My childhood friends from Sutter Creek, Pioneer, Pine Grove, Jackson, Placerville, Volcano, etc., are mostly still very conservative.

The problem is Sacramento is influenced heavily by LA and SF, and the state as a whole suffers from bad laws created by their ilk. Wish the state was a Republic, so that a small geographic area couldn't control an entire state.

If I lived there still I would ignore the bad in my beautiful home state as best I could.


Jul 14, 2019
Milestone522, you are right. Not all of Cali is filled with liberals. My childhood friends from Sutter Creek, Pioneer, Pine Grove, Jackson, Placerville, Volcano, etc., are mostly still very conservative.

The problem is Sacramento is influenced heavily by LA and SF, and the state as a whole suffers from bad laws created by their ilk. Wish the state was a Republic, so that a small geographic area couldn't control an entire state.

If I lived there still I would ignore the bad in my beautiful home state as best I could.
colorado IS in the same boat with Denver carrying pretty much the whole state.

that is a lot of the problem with this nation . folks would rather ignore the bad then confront it.