Josh Smith from Montana Knife Company

How is everyone confirming that they are faking the demand/hype by limiting supply? Have you seen his shop and the maximum number of knives that can be produced? It’s a small business. I do not think they are faking anything. There’s only a certain number of knives that can be produced and when there are varying styles you must decide which styles will be made with that capacity and which will not. There isn’t enough capacity to make all models all the time to meet ALL demand. You can maybe complain that their product selection is too broad resulting in less knives of each model, but I don’t think that really changes anything. They make a quality product that people like and they struggle keep to them stocked because they aren’t a giant company. For the record - I don’t even own one of their knives
How is everyone confirming that they are faking the demand/hype by limiting supply? Have you seen his shop and the maximum number of knives that can be produced? It’s a small business. I do not think they are faking anything. There’s only a certain number of knives that can be produced and when there are varying styles you must decide which styles will be made with that capacity and which will not. There isn’t enough capacity to make all models all the time to meet ALL demand. You can maybe complain that their product selection is too broad resulting in less knives of each model, but I don’t think that really changes anything. They make a quality product that people like and they struggle keep to them stocked because they aren’t a giant company. For the record - I don’t even own one of their knives
I agree with you, all I'm saying is that if I was able to place a pre-order and wait even 6+ months for a knife, I'd own 2 or 3 of them by now instead of only 1. I don't like sitting at a computer waiting for a drop and i wont pay over MSRP from a reseller, I'm sure others feel similar. I'm sure that they probably just dont want to deal with keeping tracking of everyones orders and that's fine, but i also feel like there could be benefits to doing pre orders. They make great knives and seem like a great company
For those who are struggling to make purchases at the drop, use the SHOP app. If you’ve got your payment info already in the app, you can checkout within seconds of a drop. I’ve got a Blackfoot 2.0 in Magnacut. It’s my favorite backcountry knife. I’ve had both argali models, a white river backpacker, an osprey, the Tyto fixed blade, and a couple different benchmades. For me, it’s the perfect knife, and magnacut steel is amazing.

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I believe he addresses the limitations of MKC's manufacturing capacity in his last podcast. I own one MKC knife that my wife used to skin and process a couple deer this last year. She had no complaints and was surprised how long the blade stayed sharp. I always try and support US small business.
I agree with you, all I'm saying is that if I was able to place a pre-order and wait even 6+ months for a knife, I'd own 2 or 3 of them by now instead of only 1. I don't like sitting at a computer waiting for a drop and i wont pay over MSRP from a reseller, I'm sure others feel similar. I'm sure that they probably just dont want to deal with keeping tracking of everyones orders and that's fine, but i also feel like there could be benefits to doing pre orders. They make great knives and seem like a great company
Fair points. I think it still goes back to being a small business - from their point of view I would assume they can’t open up a pre-order or back order because they would build up such a backlog and have no way to provide people with a timeline for delivery (or risk pissing people off with an offensively long timeline). Even if some would be willing to wait indefinitely. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
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A grown man bitched at somebody over the internet because he didn't get to buy a product he wanted to buy because 100s (1000s?) of others also wanted to buy it and he felt he was cheated out of the opportunity in an effort to guilt him into selling one if it became available?

You win some. You lose some. Nothing was lost. You go on.

If he was a she, we would call him a 'Karen'.
I have a Blackfoot 2.0 and it’s a fantastic knife! My only regret is not getting it in their magnacut. I have no problems with how he runs his business. Great success story from a tiny company to what it is now. The only issue I have is I don’t like the clip on the kydex sheath. It adjusts nicely but I think it’s a little cumbersome. I would prefer a clip like what comes on their survival style knife. Overall, great knives.
MKC - nice knives. Simple and well-made. A little overpriced for what you get, though. I ain't doing the "drop" BS, though.
I'd really like to get my paws on a Magnacut Stoned Goat, but the whole 'drop' thing is just bullshit. Just take orders & make to order like a normal freaking business.
I'll wait for one, but I'm sure as hell not going to fight for one.

It is a bit of a pain for sure, but until the hype of their knives dies out OR they drastically increase price point they'll likely stick to this method. Its an ideal business method for having the fastest inventory turn over.

They create blanket PO's with their suppliers. They have their designs fairly dialed in, so they know how many of each blade they'll get per sheet of material.

By dropping a different blade every week it allows production to know whats coming and keep "on the shelf" inventory low. Anything sitting on the shelf is "loosing" money
I dont own any mkc blades. but I am no stranger to paying probably too much for a knife. I accidentally met Josh in line at an airport while dealing with some logistics issues. He was cool as hell! chatted with me about my hunt plans, seemed excited to talk to a fellow hunter, and was really understanding with the airport staff despite some stressful travel issues. I love when you meet people and they just seem NICE!
I want a mkc blade now!
I have made a few blades from scratch as a hobby. I dont blame a small sized knife maker making a semi large batch of knives to sell at once rather than making a few of each type at a time to be constantly changing presets and machines to try and keep up with orders. Not only that but I would think QC would be improved with this method. I think this is really more or less why most mid-grade knife manufacturers go with this style of sales approach.

All that said no one is making you buy his knives, if you don't like the drop process don't buy one. Complaining about it isn't going to change this.