It’s time to tell all the whiny hiny countries to shut up!

In all honesty. I didn't even realize the Olympics were happening I got on here a few days ago. I actually use to love watching them, but not much anymore? Just feels staged in away? Not sure how to explain it. Nothing against people watching it, but doesn't feel the same for me anymore. Though the guy from Turkey is a legend in the pistol competition.
Got 2 days to go spend in the cabinets then! 😂😅

We were supposed to try our second attempt at a full traverse of the Cabinets two weeks ago- simply too hot and we would have been above tree line most of the way. Had to cancel. My buddy who I was going to attempt it was supposed to be headed for a long hike of the Great Divide trail (Canada). Too many fires, so he scrambled to line up another trip- he’s heading for Colorado to do the Colorado Trail. Next year on the Cabinet traverse :)
We were supposed to try our second attempt at a full traverse of the Cabinets two weeks ago- simply too hot and we would have been above tree line most of the way. Had to cancel. My buddy who I was going to attempt it was supposed to be headed for a long hike of the Great Divide trail (Canada). Too many fires, so he scrambled to line up another trip- he’s heading for Colorado to do the Colorado Trail. Next year on the Cabinet traverse :)
I've been in the cabinets so far twice (okay, once was along the ID border so not sure that counts) yesterday was the second time. Went up to Engle Peak. Looking into the cabinets from that peak make my desire to go on a couple day trip through them even more strongly. Never truly understood what was held in the cabinets until yesterday. Gorgeous country. Kept looking for Goats too lol
I was at a wedding last night this was literally the speech from the father of the bride, who the hell has a wedding during the second week of the Olympics? Who does that!?! Lol! He really didn't have anything good to say, mad that the wedding was during the Olympics and it was too damn hot to be in a suit... 😂
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I wouldn't watch the Olympics if you paid me $1000 a day. Last time they disgraced the American flag. This time they blasphemed God and are allowing men to beat up women.
Really? Who's beating up women?

Surely your not an idiot and fallen for the social media bs calling the real biological woman from Albania a man have you? I know you're smarter than that. She is a real woman. Again, real woman. Not a man.

I mean you realize being trans in Albania is illegal so they would never send a trans athlete to the game in the first place.
Really? Who's beating up women?

Surely your not an idiot and fallen for the social media bs calling the real biological woman from Albania a man have you? I know you're smarter than that. She is a real woman. Again, real woman. Not a man.

I mean you realize being trans in Albania is illegal so they would never send a trans athlete to the game in the first place.