PSA: Shut the DAM Gate!!

It isn't the same thing. The rancher pays taxes and grazing fees- a direct fee to use public land. Hunters pay taxes and zero or miniscule fees to hunt public land. Hunters make up a very small portion of the taxpayer population, yet every tax payer is paying to maintain public lands.

Non-hunters are paying for our recreation, i.e. welfare.

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We're still off topic a bit here, but hunting isn't the only form of use on public lands. Non-hunters are helping pay for maintaining public lands that they have access to and recreational opportunities on.
We're still off topic a bit here, but hunting isn't the only form of use on public lands. Non-hunters are helping pay for maintaining public lands that they have access to and recreational opportunities on.
Hunting isn't the only use. Cattle grazing is also a use as well as other recreational activities, but most taxpayers have no use for wild public lands. They don't care that they have access to it, but they are forced to pay to maintain it.
There’s really not much to discuss in terms of whether you should shut the gate or not. You abso-fxxing-lutely should shut the gate. Every. Single. Time.. Period. Unless specifically instructed by the leaseholder or landowner not to do so.

Leaseholder attitudes on public land is not extremely off-topic. The idea was floated that ranchers should not get super indignant or act like the land belongs to them. The idea is a bit simplistic, but it’s not completely Baseless either. There’s one place I used to hunt that the landowner graciously allowed us To cross his property to get to the NF land. He sold the property and the subsequent owner does not allow access, but IMO treats the tens of thousand acres that is now landlocked like his private grazing preserve.

I personally think we should shut the gates in the interest of being polite, and in the interest of not pissing off those ranchers who have a lot of influence and control over our access to public lands. Another reason to shut gates is to keep livestock grazing where they’re supposed to be. It’s quite possible for them to get onto public land where they may not be allowed if the gate is left open.
Another reason to leave gates like you found them/keep them shut, is that a lot of rangeland out west will only grow grass once a year. What I mean by this is if it's grazed accidentally in June, it won't really grow back by September even if there is above average rainfall. So in addition to losing a day or more to rounding up animals, the rancher has lost the feed source that would normally be available later in the year (if it's even theirs to graze, if not $$$ will trade hands). This also means less feed available for the deer/antelope/elk/etc.. that live there the rest of the year.

One would also be wise to remember that a herd of cattle could cost anywhere from the price of a decent car to well into the seven digits; if you wouldn't leave your dad's/best friend's/wife's fancy car in an open garage where it might get stolen please don't leave the gates open/different than you found them.
Another reason to leave gates like you found them/keep them shut, is that a lot of rangeland out west will only grow grass once a year. What I mean by this is if it's grazed accidentally in June, it won't really grow back by September even if there is above average rainfall. So in addition to losing a day or more to rounding up animals, the rancher has lost the feed source that would normally be available later in the year (if it's even theirs to graze, if not $$$ will trade hands). This also means less feed available for the deer/antelope/elk/etc.. that live there the rest of the year.

One would also be wise to remember that a herd of cattle could cost anywhere from the price of a decent car to well into the seven digits; if you wouldn't leave your dad's/best friend's/wife's fancy car in an open garage where it might get stolen please don't leave the gates open/different than you found them.
Holy cow. Someone who actually knows a little about rangeland ecology & cattle prices!
Thank you for the info/reminder.
And, for centering it around tbe dam gate theme...