Ughh. If you cant set the scope in the ring bottoms without stress being introduced, aluminium rings have a good chance of cracking. Usually out in the middle of nowhere on a hunt.Talley lightweights aren’t round. They are designed to conform to your scope tube with torque and give/stretch into a true state. They will absolutely bind with a loose prefit in most circumstances. Hell, they will usually snap onto a scope tube with no screws at all and not fall off with gravity. Doesn’t mean they won’t hold. They will when torqued down. But this is why others, myself included will lap them, which makes for a bind free fit with more surface contact and clamping force, and less stress. Lapping is easy, cheap and good insurance. I wouldn’t be intimidated by it. That said, it’s usually not totally necessary. Install those suckers and go if you want to, as sndmn11 indicated.
I have talleys that fit the scope tube like a glove, and talleys that fit like socks on a rooster. To the point of not being usable without lapping and bedding. So which is it? Are they supposed to be round or not? Lol. Can’t have it both ways. Talley says not to lap their rings. They say they are good out of the box.
It’s very obvious that some of the advice here is from people that have no clue what they are doing.