Is a .22 ok for elk?

If I remember correctly, a woman killed one of the largest grizzlies ever taken with a 22 Hornet. It was a world record bear at the time.
22 hornet would have blown it up, way too much rifle.
On a serious note, here is an article about it.
I heard the Avery’s are doing a review on them right now, but only from ridge to ridge shoots. Nothing under a grand.

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My bad... sorry. I did not connect the two posts. Taking off my self righteous hat now.
Wake up call. Did you read the entire post and maybe happen to catch it was in the 90s? Surely, the regulations couldn’t have changed since then, and that it was in Montana. Just because you cant read and accuse people of crimes, doesn’t mean you should. I don’t find it amusing.

I’ll be on the lookout for those cast .22 boollits with .700 BC with red tips that’s a 10,000yd out-of-the-box guaranteed 410” bull hammer.

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I used some 22 bird shot to hunt Tyrannosaurus once.

I don't doubt that for a are certainly old enough! ;) Just kidding, of course! Envious of you retired guys!

All kidding aside, those 10/22 binary triggers and drum magazines are the right tool for this job!
I don’t know where you shot that doe, but in my state the regs require a center fire cartridge of .22 cal or bigger for rifle season and I know many of the states have similar laws. Last time I checked .22mag is a rimfire cartridge. So unless you’re spoofing you may have just confessed to a game violation on the internet. Just because you can kill with 22 doesn’t mean you should. You should not.

edit... I just googled it and Wyoming has the same requirement. So hopefully this is a wake up call for you. I don’t find it amusing.
It wasn't amusing for that dead deer, I assure you. Worked every bit as well as any center-fire I've killed a deer with. Why shouldn't a .22 magnum rimfire be used to kill a deer at 90 yards, because you've never done it?

Well aware of the regs, I have that OTC Region 6 Montana deer b- tag from that deer in my office drawer.

The number you're looking for in regard to reporting this "violation" is 1-800-TIPMONT. Be sure to cite the specific regulation that was violated.
Hey guys I’m on a budget and can’t afford to get into the .22 game right now. Going to run the trusty ol’ Crosman air rifle. Do you think I need to step up to 4 pumps? I normally use 3 and don’t want to learn a new ballistic profile if I can avoid it. TIA.

Lmao. The .22 game

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And that’s the point. I’m sick of threads that promise to injure animals because they don’t want to get a new gun, or they want their 10 year old to be able to shoot an elk with a (insert small caliber here).
Randy Newberg will tell ya... any caliber that can kill a deer, can kill an Elk.
I’ve talked to a couple people about caliber restrictions for big game in MT. Pretty sure there aren’t any unless you’re hunting bison. You can double check me but I think it’s right. I know of several people who have shot bull elk with 22-250’s so

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An old rancher here used a "250" for elk on his property for years. I assumed he meant 250 savage, until we were BSisng one day and he talked about shooting one at really close range and that the bullet did incredible damage. I asked if he knew what bullet he was using and of course he didnt know, so he grabbed a loaded round from his was a 22-250 with some plastic tipped bullet that a friend loaded for him.......said they would make a mess of gophers way out there.
Peter Hathaway Capstick once killed an elephant with a 22lr. So I would definitely say the elephant gun should be kept to the big five...we're talk north America big game not Africa big game..way too much power!! I'm sticking with my childhood Daisy Red Ryder. Have had years of trigger time and just installed a new carbon chassis and full carbon barrel with Ti-break.
Knew dude when I was a kid that killed a big whitetail doe with a pump 22. Family was hungry. He fixed that.

My stepdad (he’s deceased now) grew up in rural Arkansas. Big family, not a lot of money. They killed deer with a .22lr for meat all year.

As an adult he hunted with a 7mm rem mag.