Is a .22 ok for elk?

Don't know about elk, but I shot this doe mule deer with a .22 magnum rimfire. Probably 90 yards broadside, hit it behind the shoulder, ran maybe 40 yards, wobbled and dead. Bullet was just under the hide on the off-side expanded about to the size of a dime. CCI hollow point bullet.


Friend shot a doe the same day with a 25-20 and it also worked pretty well, but the .22 magnum worked better, IMO.
I don’t know where you shot that doe, but in my state the regs require a center fire cartridge of .22 cal or bigger for rifle season and I know many of the states have similar laws. Last time I checked .22mag is a rimfire cartridge. So unless you’re spoofing you may have just confessed to a game violation on the internet. Just because you can kill with 22 doesn’t mean you should. You should not.

edit... I just googled it and Wyoming has the same requirement. So hopefully this is a wake up call for you. I don’t find it amusing.
I don’t know where you shot that doe, but in my state the regs require a center fire cartridge of .22 cal or bigger for rifle season and I know many of the states have similar laws. Last time I checked .22mag is a rimfire cartridge. So unless you’re spoofing you may have just confessed to a game violation on the internet. Just because you can kill with 22 doesn’t mean you should. You should not.

edit... I just googled it and Wyoming has the same requirement. So hopefully this is a wake up call for you. I don’t find it amusing.

Wake up call. Did you read the entire post and maybe happen to catch it was in the 90s? Surely, the regulations couldn’t have changed since then, and that it was in Montana. Just because you cant read and accuse people of crimes, doesn’t mean you should. I don’t find it amusing.

I’ll be on the lookout for those cast .22 boollits with .700 BC with red tips that’s a 10,000yd out-of-the-box guaranteed 410” bull hammer.

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I don’t know where you shot that doe, but in my state the regs require a center fire cartridge of .22 cal or bigger for rifle season and I know many of the states have similar laws. Last time I checked .22mag is a rimfire cartridge. So unless you’re spoofing you may have just confessed to a game violation on the internet. Just because you can kill with 22 doesn’t mean you should. You should not.

edit... I just googled it and Wyoming has the same requirement. So hopefully this is a wake up call for you. I don’t find it amusing.

I’ve talked to a couple people about caliber restrictions for big game in MT. Pretty sure there aren’t any unless you’re hunting bison. You can double check me but I think it’s right. I know of several people who have shot bull elk with 22-250’s so

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I don’t plan to shoot 600 yards and I have the CCI rounds so I should be good right? I realize that I may have to pump 6-10 rounds into it, but since I have a Ruger 10-22, and I’ve practiced a lot, I think I can handle it. Would there be a caliber that is more effective!

If your gun has a tight enough twist, make sure to go 40 gr it will help with wind drift and bone crushing penetration. I’ve just heard bad things about the 36s and the animal taking the hit at 400 yards, looking for where the sound came from and then continuing to feed...

Just my 2c

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Sorry Robby, sometimes I can’t help myself.

What performance are you guys seeing out of the a 20” barrel? 4215fps?

Thinking of cutting my barrel to 3” to save weight. What kind of velocity difference should I expect? I think it’ll be lighter than a carbon barrel, heck lighter than a No.1 sporter!

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I dunno if anyone said this yet - but it'll be best if you use all copper bullets for deeper penetration:

Once Meateater comes out with their branded copper 22lr with federal I will pick some up.


Sorry, no joke here...

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Once Meateater comes out with their branded copper 22lr with federal I will pick some up.


Sorry, no joke here...

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Only 1260 FPS... I would be scared to use those on anything bigger than a moose.

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If I remember correctly, a woman killed one of the largest grizzlies ever taken with a 22 Hornet. It was a world record bear at the time.