Good to see that some other folks were as disturbed by this story as me. I new about some of Singer’s shady tactics in tge Cabelas deal (and many of his previous predatory moves) but I didn’t fully understand the repercussions to the community. Totally disgusting. Even more than the back story of Cabelas.
I get what your saying and I agree to a point but this particular case, and seemingly Paul Singer’s MO, one of those cases where the free market is being abused. I hope you’d agree that insider trading is wrong and that regulation to prevent this unfair practice is necessary. I feel like this vulture capitalism is similarly in need of some regulation. I’ve got not a thing against hedge funds. I may or may not have some money in a fund; but there’s a difference between responsible investment and vulture capitalism. Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD do it. I would never allow Elliot to manage any of my money despite some of their returns because I disagree with their methods; despite being 100% legal under current law.
It’s one thing to see a failing company and figuring out how to make a profit buying it and selling parts off. It’s a whole other ball of wax to take a perfectly healthy company, force a sale to drive up the stock price artificially and then sell it off for a huge profit while leaving so many employees reeling in the wake. No sir, that’s not right even if it’s legal.
Vulture Capitalism? By your definition, all capitalism can be classified as vulture capitalism. How many small sporting good stores did Cabelas put under while building a better company?
Look at what actually happened.
1) The Cabela brothers had all of their net worth wrapped up a business they built from nothing, so they sold a big part of their ownership to diversify their assets.
2) This HF saw a way of combining efficiencies, wrapping it up in a package and some other entity bought it for more $$. Since when is selling a business for more $$ a crime?
Where does the vulture part come in? When someone invents a better mousetrap that cannibalizes the old trap? When someone invents a better process...or a better ANYTHING.....its reasonable to think they should profit from it.
Seems to me that some here only have a problem when that profit happens to be HUGE $$$....the small time guys are OK.
The key concept here....why would anyone bother with all of this under another system such as Communism if there is no benefit?
The answer is, these other systems stifle innovation. Why bother risking your money/investment...if there is little possible gain?
Why work when you are getting paid anyway...let the other guy do it.