I gotta say if I had the money I'd just go hunt em where they're supposed to be and buy auction tags for all the crap I can't draw and want to hunt here already.I was thinking about all the imported species in my former home state of Florida. It got me thinking about what game animals I would import to the US if i had the resources. If it it were up to me i would import a few more predators. maybe some wildebeest too.
Sigh.. I understand the generalizations behind comments like this... obviously I do since I'm from here... but I sure wish that people would instead further qualify such statements to make sure to denote BLUE Californians. I hate getting lumped in with our MASSIVE glut of lesser-educated indoctrinated voters.
Anyhoo everybody please keep your fingers crossed that Diane Feinstein dies soon. And for goodness sake... since people here didn't heed our warning regarding the recall of Gavin "Newscum".... please make sure to warn all your friends and loved ones about that Ahole because I can GAURANTEE they'll try to shove that guy int othe WhiteHouse. So PLEASE....PLEEEEEASE!!! Educate anybody who will listen to the evils of this slimy Used Car Salesman of a man!
Ibex to central idaho
Had to look up what a Cassowary is. That’s one hairy looking turkey.Ostrich in the west. Cassowary in the south. Cassowary would be the ultimate bird hunt. Imagine the market for calls. Imagine using a freaking decoy.
Lions and bears would help.....Tigers, man. Tigers. A f$&#king f$&&k load of tigers. Name one thing about being in the woods that would not be cooler if it was full of tigers?
Tigers, man. Tigers. A f$&#king f$&&k load of tigers. Name one thing about being in the woods that would not be cooler if it was full of tigers?
It would only happen to the slow and weak. I think it might be a good thing and would cut down on hunting pressure. I also think tigers prefer to eat flat brim wearing insta poser hunters, so it could be good.Gettin' et by a tiger, for one.
It would only happen to the slow and weak.
Yeah, sorry man no offense intended to you. I've come to like your insight on this forum. My comment was meant to be directed towards the far left liberal commies that corrupt their own neighborhood, don't like what it's become, so they move somewhere else and vote for the same policies they were trying to get away from. Bozeman is a great example of a use to be conservative cowboy town that has become liberal as can be.Sigh.. I understand the generalizations behind comments like this... obviously I do since I'm from here... but I sure wish that people would instead further qualify such statements to make sure to denote BLUE Californians. I hate getting lumped in with our MASSIVE glut of lesser-educated indoctrinated voters.
Anyhoo everybody please keep your fingers crossed that Diane Feinstein dies soon. And for goodness sake... since people here didn't heed our warning regarding the recall of Gavin "Newscum".... please make sure to warn all your friends and loved ones about that Ahole because I can GAURANTEE they'll try to shove that guy int othe WhiteHouse. So PLEASE....PLEEEEEASE!!! Educate anybody who will listen to the evils of this slimy Used Car Salesman of a man!