If you had f##k you money and could import any wild game to your state what would it be?

So do you nuke the whitetail population then?

I'm sure if you remove the natural predators, improve the environmental factors (weather mostly), they will thrive. The idea of that making good seed stock is probably a farce, because they will loose the genetics that are required to live in the areas they were previously.

The Bobwhite quail has had major population problems, lots of factors at play, but one that might be a large factor is the releasing of pen raised birds. They simply aren't the same thing, and they dumb down the gene pool.

My original idea though was to put them in places like New Zealand, South America and Central Asia. Obviously there are predators in South America and Central Asia but who knows. They just seem like environments where maybe mule deer could thrive since people here in America seem intent on destroying all of their habitat

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My original idea though was to put them in places like New Zealand, South America and Central Asia. Obviously there are predators in South America and Central Asia but who knows. They just seem like environments where maybe mule deer could thrive since people here in America seem intent on destroying all of their habitat

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NZ is hard out the parasites will kill them in such a wet enviroment.

You have to take natural habitat into consideration and what the animal is adapted for. Mule deer dont do well in wetter, humid enviorments. Neither do bighorns for that matter.
NZ is hard out the parasites will kill them in such a wet enviroment.

You have to take natural habitat into consideration and what the animal is adapted for. Mule deer dont do well in wetter, humid enviorments. Neither do bighorns for that matter.

There are dry(ish) parts to New Zealand too. Those are big islands

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The Bobwhite quail has had major population problems, lots of factors at play, but one that might be a large factor is the releasing of pen raised birds. They simply aren't the same thing, and they dumb down the gene pool.
Kind of like hatchery fish- they also are generally heartier and compete with the natives for habitat.
I’d just travel about 35 weeks out of the year to hunt everything. No need to import.
Honestly the natural range of an animal or fish Is half the reason I want to hunt/fish for them. Sure it’s a cool opportunity but I want to hunk elk in the rockies, or marco Polo in asia- not some displaced herd a rich guy dropped somewhere. I would still go hunt them if I had the chance but it isn’t the same.
Definitely agree with the comments about going places to hunt different species versus importing them. You’d think we’d know better by now.
Black panthers. Lots and lots of black panthers or leopards or jaguars. Not necessarily for the hunt but to add to the stories.

But really with that money, I'd just travel instead of effing up my local ecosystem even more.