My wife and I were having a discussion the other day. She loves me, tolerates my antics, and lets me indulge in my desire to be outdoors and hunting as much as I can, even tagging along on some of my smaller adventures. She asked me what my life would be like if I didn’t hunt or fish. To most that is a silly question, but I’m certain many of you are like me and simply can’t comprehend what life would be like without the great outdoors, I was three when I learned to imitate an elk call, I was ten when I shot my first deer, 12 when I shot my first elk and packed her out in -2 degree weather. More importantly hunting has brought me closer to my father, grandfather, and uncles than any other thing in my life. The memories we have enjoyed together have been priceless. Life for me has revolved around being outdoors, primarily hunting and fishing.
What about you? If you didn’t hunt, or have the outdoors in general, how would your life be different?
One thing is for certain I’d have more money!
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What about you? If you didn’t hunt, or have the outdoors in general, how would your life be different?
One thing is for certain I’d have more money!

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