If you didn’t Hunt...


Jan 21, 2021
My wife and I were having a discussion the other day. She loves me, tolerates my antics, and lets me indulge in my desire to be outdoors and hunting as much as I can, even tagging along on some of my smaller adventures. She asked me what my life would be like if I didn’t hunt or fish. To most that is a silly question, but I’m certain many of you are like me and simply can’t comprehend what life would be like without the great outdoors, I was three when I learned to imitate an elk call, I was ten when I shot my first deer, 12 when I shot my first elk and packed her out in -2 degree weather. More importantly hunting has brought me closer to my father, grandfather, and uncles than any other thing in my life. The memories we have enjoyed together have been priceless. Life for me has revolved around being outdoors, primarily hunting and fishing.

What about you? If you didn’t hunt, or have the outdoors in general, how would your life be different?

One thing is for certain I’d have more money!

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Wow that's a good question,

I guess for starters, I would have never met my wife, and had kids. Because I moved to our "hunting cabin" as it was a life long dream for me, and that's where I met my wife.

Being from Southern WV where I was raised, if it wasn't for hunting and fishing, and to a lesser extent sports, I probably would be working in a coal mines back home and maybe/probably addicted to pills like every other classmate of mine that didn't move away from there to have a better life.

Even if I avoided all that, I think I would be bored..... very bored
I am just now getting into hunting, so if it wasn't the whole outdoors hobby wasn't around, I would probably throw my extra time to garden, game, or woodwork.
I would have stayed out late with my buddies in college. Probably would have gotten laid more. I’d probably drive a more practical vehicle. I wouldn’t spend $45k on a boat and another $10k in gear to go fishing. I’d own plastic black rifles and call it a “platform”. I wouldn’t be able to shoot a bolt gun unless reminded to “send it!”.

Then again, I fished and hunted when other kids were stealing beer and cigarettes from their parents and getting into trouble. I learned to process my own meat and have an appreciation for where my food comes from. I learned to manage money so I could afford gas and gear.

My wife, assuming I still met her in this alternate no hunt/fish universe, probably wouldn’t have been attracted to me because I’d be no different than any of the other douche bags out there.
Leatherwork, woodwork, furrier, and bow building are all hobbies I've dabbled in that have been squeezed out by other priorities. So a combination of those things. They're all pretty synonymous

Things would have to get pretty bad to chase around a tiny white ball for a couple hours.....
I dont know what else I would be doing for sure. But I wouldn't have something that can occupy my time 24/7 365, motivate me to be in shape, create memories and bonds that make other people envious and day dream about all of the time.

Just thinking about it makes me relax and get excited at the same time.

I've raced cars and I loved it. But it was way more expensive.

I've a very demanding career and make great money but it's not a passion...

Besides my family, hunting is #1.

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I would probably spend my vacation time traveling out of the country as I could probably afford it if I didnt do the outdoors stuff.

Probably golf and spend more time doing unnecessary things around the house. I may get into wood working or cooking.
I am all about the mountains, love doing mountain stuff. Hunting is a small part of the mountains, i would just do more whitewater, mountain biking, snowmobiling ect . It is all about the mountains, not all about hunting.
rivers to ridgetops 365
I chose hunting as my hobby because its the one that I enjoyed the most. If I didn't enjoy it, then I wouldn't have chosen it. If I didn't hunt, I wouldn't have anymore money than I do now, because I would have other hobbies and there is no such thing as a cheap hobby.

So, if I didn't enjoy hunting as much as I do, I would probably golf a lot more. I really enjoyed playing golf in high school, then I got really into mountain bikes and then settled on hunting as my main hobby that doesnt allow me to afford any other hobbies.
Honestly hunting is one of the more 'relatively' inexpensive hobbies. Boating, flying, racing cars (or anything really) can all get very expensive very quickly.

I guess I say that but I haven't spent 80k on a desert sheep hunt in Mexico, or 65k on a Stone hunt, or however much Africa hunts cost (have no interest in that one...).

So maybe its in line with about any other hobby, or at least it could be.
I'd be just as "in to" another hobby. I've been down the rabbit hole with rock climbing, triathlon, golf, flyfishing, archery->bowhunting->rifle hunting.

There are many fun things to get way to interested in. Hunting is just one of them.