If you didn’t Hunt...

Hunting has consumed me since I was old enough to remember. I have no idea what life would be without it. It's actually scary to think about.

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I already play a decent amount of golf, but would probably be a member somewhere if I didn't hunt. I also trail run quite a bit and would probably do more ultra races.
With the way the covid closures happened, hunting took over the place that fishing did in my life.

Without the ability to get outdoors and find some solitude to work out lifes challenges I would be spending a crap ton more on therapy than I do now.

My wife understands the importance for me to connect with nature and hunting has become that, from practicing with my bow in the yard to the hours and hours of scouting it helps fill my cup so I can be the husband and father I want to be to my family.
Even if I didn't hunt, I'd still be in the mountains come September, nothing else like it. But given that most years I'm not hunting for 11 months out of the year......it's also easy to answer that way. I travel, I golf, I invest, I home school my daughter, and I do a lot of food sampling every day.

As I get older, I'm pretty sure my hunting time will continue to dwindle and those other activities will continue to expand. I'm already at a point where I can't truly bow hunt elk like I want to and used to. My neck, my back, my knees.......they just can't keep up anymore.
If you took away hunting AND fishing....I would have probably Rodeoed, or pobably would have been a fulltime artist, not that hunting or fishing is stopping me exactly. Of course I dabble in wildlife art so maybe I wouldn't have even been interested in painting or drawing without the outdoors.
I would have ended up a stripper.

My grandpa was a stripper, my dad was a stripper, my uncle was a stripper, one of my cousins...it went back generations.
Thats all we knew...baby oil and gyrating hips.

I was finally 18yrs old and on the way to the local dance club with my new pumps and a super cute outfit.
The job was mine...my dad was retiring soon anyway so i was going to take over his shift.

When out of the ditch stepped a giant buck....i slammed on the brakes and almost hit him.
He didnt run away.
I could see his mouth moving.
So he says to me...hey...you dont need to strip to find purpose in life.
Stay away from the pole and grab a bow.

So I turned my 1995 Pontiac grand am with 18" chrome plated rims around and drove right over to the local sporting goods shop. Bought a bow and never looked back.
I'd come out of retirement from demolition derby. I spent way too much time and money on that back in the day. If I started that up again I'd also be going through a divorce!
I suppose I'd find some "normal hobby" and do what "normal people" do. Man... that would suck.
Been at the hunting thing for 28 years now. I am starting to find more balance with everything in life. I like a little bit of everything these days rather than a lot of one thing.
I quit hunting in 2002, because I got sick and tired of the CO point creep and my, so I focused on State Tournament walleye til that just became unbearable BS! Forward to 2016 and a hunting restart and I love it again! I did forfeit some stored up points but, my sanity in non worse for wear and also added muzzleloader in the mix.

If all else fails, have the wife appendage surgically removed and do what the hell you want, when you want!
I honestly have no idea. I devote pretty much all of my spare time to the outdoors. Hunting, fishing, 3d archery, prepping for hunts, research for possible hunts etc. So....i'd probably just be standing around with my hands in my pockets looking around. :)
It is not my favorite endeavor, I prefer fishing, scuba diving, mountain biking, but I like variety, love to be in the outdoors and live as independently as possible. Anything to spend more time in the outdoors.
I'd probably bird watch and catch frogs. Maybe scuba dive and get into wildlife photography. I'd find some excuse to keep chasing animals.