If you could move and live anywhere in the lower 48 where would you go?

I guess if we are talking about a dream I’d say I would love to pick up a couple thousand acres in the Edward’s plateau area of Texas somewhere around Rocksprings. It’s pretty quiet out there. Good hunting for all kinds of stuff. Pretty country. I like Texas. Gets some negativity around here due to lack of public land but if I could get a couple thousand acres that wouldn’t matter to me much.

In reality I think I’m about where I’d like to be here in southeast AZ.
It’s gorgeous down there, incredibly diverse country. Spend time around sonoita every year
Born in NorCal in '58. For the first 30 years of my life I was proud to be from CA. Then it slowly shifted and now it's completely ruined.
I retired 3 years ago and we knew we'd never be able to afford living there on a fixed income. It wasn't easy to leave lifelong friends and family but the grandkids are all grown and not as fun.
We settled on the White Mtn area of AZ....Show Low area. 7000 ft keep in cool in the summer and we get some snow in the winter but it usually melts in a couple of days before the next one. We also average about 300 days of sunshine a year.
This area is quite conservative, and after being in CA all those years, it's such a pleasure to be around like minded folks.
We're 3+ hrs from Phoenix if we feel the need for city life (going to a spring training game next week).
I haven't been lucky enough to draw an elk tag but my odds are better than most places.
We were never going to be able to have a summer/winter house situation so we tried to find something in the middle.
Same here,lived here for 17 years......moving to Arizona a.s.a.p.
Done with winters.
Same here. Grew up with a sled between my legs or a board strapped to my feet. Very tired of the cold and shoveling snow. Wife is from AZ so hopefully we will be down that way in the next 5-7 years.