If you could move and live anywhere in the lower 48 where would you go?

Fishing, crabbing and clamming are the ONLY redeeming qualities of WA.
The climbing and backpacking in WA are top notch - but Florida does have a fantastic retirement community from NY and NJ, not to mention alligators, humidity, insects, and hurricanes. So there is that.
I would stay precisely where I am.

I took a job 4 years ago making almost exactly half of my previous salary and, even with rapid promotion and COL increases, sometimes things are tight. What I gained, however, was peace of mind and the ability to actually get out and do the things I love and that being me peace, joy, or whatever you call it. I can't put a price on that, and I'm blessed to be right where I am.

Best regards and best of luck to each of you still looking for "your" place.
Currently looking at Wrangell, Petersburg, POW. Intentions to buy/build small at first and develop into a retirement/residency. Will keep a place on some family ground on the Olympic Peninsula in WA, but would like to ultimately move my residency to AK and live there 8-months for the year. I've made peace with hunting non-resident every other year for elk, but AK has enough to keep me happy for big game and fishing.