1. Make the IDFG Director an elected position (currently hand picked by governor). Same with commissioners.
2. Post detailed minutes of all meetings (not just an agenda).
3. Revisions to governor and landowner tags - put them on the books (how many per unit etc). Limit land owner tags to their private property.
4. All controlled hunts draw due by May 5th. Draw results due by May 25th.
I prefer quality of quantity, and I know this puts me in the minority of hunters...
Generally - implement similar measures for residents deer tags as NR tags.
5. Incorporate elk zones as deer zones, make residents choose a zone. Stop OTC resident tags, but allow them as 1st choice draw. Apply for that deer tag by zone. If youre not a resident by the draw due date you're SOL.
IDK - but I lean to revising capped elk archery - reduce archery season, make an early and a late archery tag, splitting tags in half.
6. Remove all exemptions to motorized hunting rule units, unless its not legal then allow ADA. (no camping, game retrieval etc)
7. Major revisions to youth hunting. Make all 'general' season opportunities preceded by a 2 day youth only hunt, include DAV, disabled.
8. Require all big game tags to have "CWD endorsement" - $5 - an online/inperson class about IDFG CWD plan. make it short, make it have a test. *Unit 14 had hunters completely unaware of CWD reg changes. This is how CWD spreads... Earmark fees to CWD management.
9. Require all landowners to allow hunting on their property before seeking any damage compensation from big game.
10. Go to a points system.
Look at the study of perceived overcrowding and low satisfaction. This was published in 2019. Yet IDFG has done little to address the overcrowding and low satisfaction.