New Idaho Muzzleloader Load Development?

Anyone have experience with the bore driver eld-x? Seems as if the thors are popular but why not the hornady? For elk and deer out of a .50 cal. Max distance I would shoot with the powerbelts was 100 yds and it did the job but I would say even 100 was pushing it.
I shot a bull in ID this year with them, shot great out of my gun. I messed with the Thor bullets but they just weren't as accurate as the Boredrivers so I stuck with them
I shot a bull in ID this year with them, shot great out of my gun. I messed with the Thor bullets but they just weren't as accurate as the Boredrivers so I stuck with them
How far was the shot? Shot placement? Did you recover the bullet? Any photos? A lot of us would be interested in as many details as you can give.

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I shot 136 yards with 100gr of triple7. I was not able to find bullet. Was somewhere inside as I did not gut it, but bull did not go far.
I shot 136 yards with 100gr of triple7. I was not able to find bullet. Was somewhere inside as I did not gut it, but bull did not go far.
Thanks for the info. What gun did you shoot it with? Is your profile pic the bull? Cool looking rack.

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Bumping this thread as I recently just bought my first muzzleloader, also a Knight Ultralight .50 cal.
I live/hunt in Idaho as well so starting to go down the rabbit hole of load development. Particularly something that will work for elk.

To the OP @timcorcoran , how did the Thor's shoot for you?

I've been reading every thread I can find relevant to my needs and have really appreciated @sabotloader and @ElDiablito 's contributions and advice/experience.

@sabotloader : Did you change your ID hunting load at all with the new regs? Or continue to use the Bull Shop?

@ElDiablito : Any other bullet rec's besides the Thor's? I ordered their bullet sizing pack, but have also been looking into other options in case my gun doesn't like them. Do you still think the Hornady Bore-driver ELD-X are too soft for elk? (i saw your water jug testing, which was great thank you).
My list for bullets includes the Thors 300gr, Hornady's 340gr, Federal BOR lock lead 350gr, No Excuses, and Bull Shop lead. Anything else I should consider?

To anyone else: Any other recommendations?
Copper vs Lead: what's everyones thoughts?

Also, looks like sabots might be legal in Idaho for 2025:
Bumping this thread as I recently just bought my first muzzleloader, also a Knight Ultralight .50 cal.
I live/hunt in Idaho as well so starting to go down the rabbit hole of load development. Particularly something that will work for elk.

To the OP @timcorcoran , how did the Thor's shoot for you?

I've been reading every thread I can find relevant to my needs and have really appreciated @sabotloader and @ElDiablito 's contributions and advice/experience.

@sabotloader : Did you change your ID hunting load at all with the new regs? Or continue to use the Bull Shop?

@ElDiablito : Any other bullet rec's besides the Thor's? I ordered their bullet sizing pack, but have also been looking into other options in case my gun doesn't like them. Do you still think the Hornady Bore-driver ELD-X are too soft for elk? (i saw your water jug testing, which was great thank you).
My list for bullets includes the Thors 300gr, Hornady's 340gr, Federal BOR lock lead 350gr, No Excuses, and Bull Shop lead. Anything else I should consider?

To anyone else: Any other recommendations?
Copper vs Lead: what's everyones thoughts?

Also, looks like sabots will be legal in Idaho for 2025:
These are all questions I have as well, thank you for articulating them so well. I have used powerbelts (all lead) in the past and have been less than impressed. Looking for a new projectile as well.

On the sabots, I don't have much of an opinion. However I am always opposed to the dipshits in the legislature writing bills that force the hand of the game commission. If the commission sees sabots as a good thing they will allow them, if not they won't. Keep the legislation out of it ALWAYS. I hope that bill dies. There are a ton of bills that get introduced just like that one every year that get shot down, so I wouldn't run out and buy a fist full of sabots and develop a load for them assuming they will be legal in 2025.
Legislation aside, would a sabot provide any benefit to a full bore projectile vs no sabot? Idaho still specifies a projectile within 0.01” of bore diameter
These are all questions I have as well, thank you for articulating them so well. I have used powerbelts (all lead) in the past and have been less than impressed. Looking for a new projectile as well.

On the sabots, I don't have much of an opinion. However I am always opposed to the dipshits in the legislature writing bills that force the hand of the game commission. If the commission sees sabots as a good thing they will allow them, if not they won't. Keep the legislation out of it ALWAYS. I hope that bill dies. There are a ton of bills that get introduced just like that one every year that get shot down, so I wouldn't run out and buy a fist full of sabots and develop a load for them assuming they will be legal in 2025.
Agreed! Let F & G do their job. This nut job wants to no longer have primitive hunts in Idaho. It's a slippery slope. Some of the modern muzzleloaders are nothing more than single shot rifles! I prefer Idaho to remain primitive. You actually have to get within a 100 yards of an animal to get a shot.
Legislation aside, would a sabot provide any benefit to a full bore projectile vs no sabot? Idaho still specifies a projectile within 0.01” of bore diameter
Not sure if I am being honest. I would venture to guess that these guys shooting 400+ yds with a muzzleloader are using sabots. Would take someone more knowledgeable than me to give a certain answer though. My main point is really nothing against sabots, its just against legislators sticking their dirty bought and paid for agendas into F&G activities. Leave it to the professionals (biologists).
@ElDiablito : Any other bullet rec's besides the Thor's? I ordered their bullet sizing pack, but have also been looking into other options in case my gun doesn't like them. Do you still think the Hornady Bore-driver ELD-X are too soft for elk? (i saw your water jug testing, which was great thank you).
My list for bullets includes the Thors 300gr, Hornady's 340gr, Federal BOR lock lead 350gr, No Excuses, and Bull Shop lead. Anything else I should consider?
If you have to use a conical for elk, I don’t think you can beat a monometal (Thor) or a heavy lead conical (in a .50 that would be 350-600 grains, IMO). I think you’re there bro.

I much prefer saboted bullets for hunting. I do shoot sized jacketed bullets as well and like them. But for most hunting I think saboted offer a number of advantages. A 300 gr Nosler Partition (or Swift A-Frame) in a sabot is probably the ultimate reliable option for bigger game. They always work exactly as expected.