Idaho 2023-2024 Seasons Proposals

May 17, 2015
Typical of IDFG, they said the proposals would be open for public comment today and of course we don’t have any proposals at end of business day. Don’t have to read all those pesky comments if you don’t allow people to comment

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Jul 6, 2017
Typical of IDFG, they said the proposals would be open for public comment today and of course we don’t have any proposals at end of business day. Don’t have to read all those pesky comments if you don’t allow people to comment

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I was thinking the same thing. The ol’ hamster wheel running the IDFG website wasn’t spinning today.

The best part is that they had public meetings scheduled for yesterday and today but no proposals have been made public yet.

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May 17, 2015
I was thinking the same thing. The ol’ hamster wheel running the IDFG website wasn’t spinning today.

The best part is that they had public meetings scheduled for yesterday and today but no proposals have been made public yet.

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Brilliance at work, no one will complain at the public meetings if you don’t give them anything to complain about

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May 17, 2015
Proposals are up, they’re looking at extending unit 39 rifle elk on the front end and opening it Oct 27, also all out war on elk in weiser river zone, antlerless season from Aug 1-Nov 15 in all of unit 32. Those are just the 2 craziest things that stuck out to me.

On a positive they are eliminating a lot of antlerless deer opportunities

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Sep 13, 2016
Proposals are up, they’re looking at extending unit 39 rifle elk on the front end and opening it Oct 27, also all out war on elk in weiser river zone, antlerless season from Aug 1-Nov 15 in all of unit 32. Those are just the 2 craziest things that stuck out to me.

On a positive they are eliminating a lot of antlerless deer opportunities

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They are really scaling back the cow hunts in the Weiser zone. 32 was really the only thing that got increased. Pretty bummed out in them eliminating the December muzzy hunt.


Mar 13, 2019
Personally, I don't see that much overcrowding. As someone who has but a few years left to hunt, I don't want to wait for every other year. I am glad to see the proposed change to the antlerless hunt on the A tag in the Weiser elk Zone. Even though I have used it a few times.
Sep 13, 2016
Personally, I don't see that much overcrowding. As someone who has but a few years left to hunt, I don't want to wait for every other year. I am glad to see the proposed change to the antlerless hunt on the A tag in the Weiser elk Zone. Even though I have used it a few times.
I agree on that.It has gotten pretty bleak up there in your neighborhood for those tan buggars. It’s been a war on the elk in there since ‘17.


Mar 16, 2016
Anyone that thinks a point system is the answer, please just look down to the State below Idaho. They do not work and are only short sighted.

One change I would like to see is Idaho offer one chance to buy a lifetime license for dumbasses like myself that moved away and didn’t buy one. Yes, this is sarcasm, but if you residents want to fight for me, I support you.
May 17, 2015
Anyone that thinks a point system is the answer, please just look down to the State below Idaho. They do not work and are only short sighted.

One change I would like to see is Idaho offer one chance to buy a lifetime license for dumbasses like myself that moved away and didn’t buy one. Yes, this is sarcasm, but if you residents want to fight for me, I support you.

I agree on the point systems, whether it is preference or bonus point systems they all “break” eventually. For example I started applying for deer & antelope in SD 6 yrs ago, at the time a guy could draw about any NR deer tag with 3 or less points, some NR antelope tags were taking longer but for the most point at that time you could about predict at what point level you might draw. Apparently I jumped in at the same time or slightly before a lot of others because now I’m sitting at 6 points and was looking at odds last night and see a lot of people now with 8-9 points who aren’t drawing while those with 2-4 points are. I did benefit by drawing an antelope tag that has typically taken 8-9 pts with only 3 pts this past season(I took a couple years off from the antelope draw). Whether it is bonus or preference points I just prefer none, because at the end of the day everybody has the same shot going in and once you start a point system it will be flooded with 3-4x the applicants just because nobody wants to fall behind in points.

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Dec 21, 2015
I can get on board with the wait periods. I think 2 years for non harvest and 4 years with a harvest would be a good start. I think there are plenty of folks already in the OIL draws, I tend to like how they are structured now. Not a fan of antler point restrictions. Biologists have determined that they are more detrimental than beneficial.
I don’t agree that the science is settled. And I don’t agree that we would end up with a bunch of dead small deer left to rot. Rather like in the owyhees, people would simply have to use their $1000 glasses and make sure they don’t screw up. If this doesn’t work, why do states like Utah have “dedicated sportsmen” programs which in part incentivize people to stop shooting dinks.


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
I agree on the point systems, whether it is preference or bonus point systems they all “break” eventually. For example I started applying for deer & antelope in SD 6 yrs ago, at the time a guy could draw about any NR deer tag with 3 or less points, some NR antelope tags were taking longer but for the most point at that time you could about predict at what point level you might draw. Apparently I jumped in at the same time or slightly before a lot of others because now I’m sitting at 6 points and was looking at odds last night and see a lot of people now with 8-9 points who aren’t drawing while those with 2-4 points are. I did benefit by drawing an antelope tag that has typically taken 8-9 pts with only 3 pts this past season(I took a couple years off from the antelope draw). Whether it is bonus or preference points I just prefer none, because at the end of the day everybody has the same shot going in and once you start a point system it will be flooded with 3-4x the applicants just because nobody wants to fall behind in points.

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No you jumped in when all the deer died either from winter or disease and they had to cut the tags way back. They should have cut them back more as deer numbers are horrible and after this winter are not going to be any better. Either way NR have only a few counties they apply for and you could hunt every year with a rifle for whitetails if you wanted to just got to get out of that nw corner. I have enough points to draw any deer in any county west river but with deer numbers not burning them till i find something worth chasing.
Sep 13, 2016
I don’t agree that the science is settled. And I don’t agree that we would end up with a bunch of dead small deer left to rot. Rather like in the owyhees, people would simply have to use their $1000 glasses and make sure they don’t screw up. If this doesn’t work, why do states like Utah have “dedicated sportsmen” programs which in part incentivize people to stop shooting dinks.
You put entirely too much faith in people to do the right thing.
The two main reasons for abandoning widespread antler point restrictions are (1) unacceptable accidental-illegal kill, and (2) harvest mortality was increased (focused) on the very age classes they intended to promote. Available data and experience suggest antler point restrictions result in no long-term increase in either the proportion or number of mature bucks, or the total deer population. A few jurisdictions still have limited areas with antler point restrictions, due to hunter preference. The use of antler point restrictions in a combined strategy with general seasons is used in at least one case to maximize hunting opportunity. There are additional reasons why the widespread use of antler point restrictions has not been successful. Research has shown buck fawns born to does in poor body condition have difficulty outgrowing the effects of poor body condition at birth, and may never reach their genetic potential for antler growth. Regulations protecting these bucks from harvest are counterproductive to the intended benefit

Charlie Brown

Jul 10, 2020
Just submitted my suggestions to the proposal's. I only filled out suggestions on the Panhandle Elk as that is where and what I hunt and don't think I should comment on other areas I am not familiar with. Most of the proposal's were to cut cow tags and eliminate them from Unit 4. Something I suggested again this year is to eliminate the week that B-taggers can archery hunt and the week A-taggers can gun hunt. Have never liked this and it has become a very crowded time in the woods. This year I believe it will be September 6-12. I hear a lot of complaints about overcrowding on this site and my experience is it is at it's worst during that week of archery season. Can't speak to the gun season as I am a bow hunter


Feb 1, 2014
No points, ever. One of the best things about Idaho is the random system.

Make all the capped zones a draw tag. This gets rid of the 5-day waiting period and really makes people put some skin in the game and should help with the draw odds in some units. Then, make a general tag good for all uncapped zones. These zones already have no limits on tag sales and this would be an extension of this.

I’m not opposed to having a deer go to a similar system as elk but I’d like to see the capped zones be draw and uncapped be general as well.

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A general tag good for all uncapped zones would be a disaster. There's a handful of units in the state that would get 90% of the hunter pressure if that happened. That's why they have zones and NR caps already.

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Feb 1, 2014
I think they are supposed to address NR tags. It will be interesting to see if they change the Dec 1st fiasco.
I'm going to the meeting in Challis this afternoon. I may ask them if we need to donate computers for them lol

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Feb 1, 2014
Apparently everyone thinks based on 30 year old data and binocular/scope technology that 3 point or better general tags for 18-64 year old hunters won’t work, but I think it’s our best bet to get a more reasonable age class in our state. It also makes people consider their ballistics and long range shooting which is a positive side effect.

Another one that won’t happen but I think would be better is instead of choosing either 1 OIL species (sheep, goat, or moose) or all 3 apps for deer elk and Antelope - it should be changed to “pick 2 out of 6”. I think that allows more people including youth into the OIL draw which creates more excitement.

Finally, if you draw any tag that had a 4 percent or lower draw odds (1 in 25) that year, you must wait at least 2 years to put into that species again for a non harvest, and 5 years with a harvest.
Antler point restrictions have never been proven to work. Animals get shot and left to rot once they get ground checked. In every state the majority of the harvest is young bucks and bulls. Idaho manages for opportunity, not quality. Plenty of controlled tags for you if you want to shoot a big buck or bull.

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Sep 13, 2016
I'm going to the meeting in Challis this afternoon. I may ask them if we need to donate computers for them lol

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If you don't mind send me a synopsis tomorrow. The closest meeting for me isn't until next Wednesday.