Photo options were limited this time of day, so this is the prettiest picture I could create His Left side has a big split G2, and he is my best Whitetail to date It was an awesome hunt with the best of friends and family! Thanks for the contest opportunity!
Got him 13 minutes before sunset on the last day of season. Came out with 6 other bucks of various ages. 137” and change! Had tons of trail cam pics of him but only ever saw him in person one time!
2024 south GA whitetail over a hot white oak. I found this hot dropping white oak hours before setting up over it. I situated myself 10 yards down wind from the oak. After sitting for only 45 minutes I looked up to see this buck coming in. He fed on white oaks acorns as I drew back my stalker stickbow recurve and placed a perfect arrow behind the shoulder. The deer ran about 80 yards before dying on a small island near the creek I was hunting by. After a short and cold swim I had my hands on him. What a picture perfect south GA evening with my recurve in hand.
I have been going to the woods with a bow for close to 30 years. I did arrow a small forked antlered deer in 2008 with a new bow I had bought that year but other than wild hogs, I have just not been able to get a chance at a decent buck. Had some near misses and even hit one high a couple of years ago and saw him the next season but no buck kills with archery gear since 2008 This is January 12th 2025 and I finally got it done. Spot and stalk/Still hunting while walking a trail to the area that I had planned to hunt this evening and watched this buck stand up out of his bed, he finally made his way my direction as I did my best to stay low. As he passed behind some thick brush I drew and must have hit a branch I didn’t see between he and I. He trotted around behind me and gave a full frontal shot at 20 yards. My arrow hit and he dropped immediately. He got up and after about a 200 yard track I found him, had to give him 1 more arrow for good measure. What a season. Hunted hard and finally have a good archery buck!