First off thanks for the thoughtful replies thus far.
I suspected a few of those ideas might ruffle some feathers but that wasn’t the intent.
Bottom line the sky isn’t falling just yet. I have tons of nonresident opportunities, and the ones I’ve had have been excellent. Expensive yes, limited compared to a resident absolutely. But well within reach of the “Everyman.”
But I worry about the trend toward increased privatization of wildlife, decreasing opportunities both resident and nonresident as well as increased catering to special interests hoping to profit off that wildlife.
I worry my son won’t have the opportunities that I had. Because of those experiences, it’s made me a huge advocate for the wild places I’ve been and the wildlife that inhabit them. If those experiences aren’t shared, those advocates will cease to exist. That’s the real rub in all of this, and why those wanting nonresident tags to go away, be priced out of reach for all but the very wealthy, or limited to expensive politically connected outfitters are being shortsighted in their viewpoint.
My idea might not be great or even workable. But it’s an idea. My hope is that it might get refined through thoughtful discussion into a better one. All I care about is that we all have access to wildlife, access to places to hunt that wildlife, and great experiences available to as many people as possible for many generations to come.
I hope those that want to call me names, say I’m “retarded” or any such nonsense can step back and realize at the end of the day, we all want the same thing, and we’re going to have to work together to find workable solutions to get there.