I feel like there's some cognitive dissidents here. You accurately state that if federal land is given to the states it tends to be privatized. Then you say we don't owe you a thing while you hunt federal land. It seems like it's the other direction right? Does the country owe you this? State land often isn't viable financially so the federal government holds the property. Which I support it staying federal. However, this effectively is subsidizing resident hunters access is it not? If so shouldn't we respect that non-residents are helping support public lands staying in public hands? I'm definitely not saying we do everything he said in the OP. But non-residents are frustrated and I think they have some valid points.
What stake would most non-resident hunters have in keeping our land public if they know they'll never be able to afford a tag? It seems like putting our middle finger up to them is short sided and when we need them to fight for our access they won't forget conversations like this.
I'm most familiar with Montana so I'll use them as an example. They charges $935 for a non-resident archery elk tag and if you're a Montana resident you get a big game combo deer/elk/bear for something like $85. I'm definitely not saying it should be the same or even close. But over 10x more is a little out of line in my opinion.
The frustration I hear most is over pressure. Which is in my view a state management issue. They need to manage quotas better and do their job. Not reduce tags and increase costs necessary but get more creative. At least in Montana all the non-residents are there in archery opening day or whenever Corey Jacobsen says is the best week. So I just avoid that week

. Maybe they should assign a week when you get a tag as a non-resident. Idk.
We're all in this together. I don't agree with everything the OP stated but its a fun thought experiment. I don't believe things are perfect the way they are and I hope we can improve on our practices. For the benefit of wildlife and those pursuing them. Really all I was hoping to see here was some valid discussion of points. All you seem to do is attack people and if you're trying to convince us watching this conversation of your opinion... it's not very effective.