We should charge 5x as much for corn being shipped to Texas to get thrown on the ground to feed whitetails and exotics on high fence operations. Considering corn is a commodity in short supply this year seems a waste to be feeding it to deer when it could be feeding people.
Guys think that tags just grow on trees for residents in every state out west. That's not even remotely true. I can't even hunt some of the units around my house without drawing a tag, and those odds for me as a resident are less than 1%. It appears to be a foreign concept to Texans that if we let everyone hunt because, by God they're Americans!, we would annihilate mule deer and elk populations all over the West in less than 5 years. You guys don't give a damn about wildlife management, you just want tags that you feel entitled to. You're entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing else. It's a privilege, not a right, to hunt anything in any of the other 49 states that you aren't a resident of.
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That’s a good point I don’t think these guys get. Its about 4-6 years to get a deer rifle tag for the unit I live in. Not 5 buck tags 2 doe tags OTC every year.
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