I gots the Covid.


May 18, 2021
Ask yourself the same question about sugary soda and energy drinks, eating unhealthy fast food, lack of exercise, smoking cigarettes, and taking illegal drugs. Heart disease is still the #1 killer.
December 2020 and early part of 2021 COVID passed heart disease as #1. Vaccine came about and it dropped back down with the vaccine impact. If there was a vaccine available for heart disease you would have a point.

hey bear

Nov 25, 2021
Bend, OR
so brand new to the site. I just came down with the 'rona couple days ago. found the site as part of my quarantine with nothing else to do and info quest for new rifle. feeling ok, just looooow....


Feb 28, 2021
December 2020 and early part of 2021 COVID passed heart disease as #1. Vaccine came about and it dropped back down with the vaccine impact. If there was a vaccine available for heart disease you would have a point.
You just cherry picked data for a very short time period. I can do that too. People have a choice on the vaccine. They also make daily choices on what they eat, how they exercise, and overall healthy living habits. Having a theoretical vaccine for a disease mainly caused unhealthy eating and exercise habits..........I can't believe I just wasted the time to read that or even reply to it


Feb 28, 2021
December 2020 and early part of 2021 COVID passed heart disease as #1. Vaccine came about and it dropped back down with the vaccine impact. If there was a vaccine available for heart disease you would have a point.
And another thing, what do you think statin drugs and high blood pressure meds are for? All of which help with reducing the potential for various forms of heart disease, or death from heart disease. And according to the CDC, 1 in 4 deaths are related to heart disease which was and is the #1 killer.

So based on your logic, I think I have a point.....

The world has been blessed to have access to the Trump Administration led/developed vaccines. I fully support the vaccine and am vaccinated. I also had covid and easily got over it (prior to vaccine). I respect the rights of any person to choose whether or not to get one of the vaccines.


Aug 10, 2015
Do you believe that people should be held financially responsible for their actions (or inactions as it were)? The unvaccinated are disproportionately running up medical costs for the treatement of severe COVID. That will ultimately cost all of us in terms of health insurance premiums. Should the unvaccinated be charged more (akin to smokers) to help compensate the system for their decision?
No I don’t, but fat people should be charged more… COVID is a few year deal, obesity is a cost our healthcare system way more. Plus right now hospital systems are being over by non covid related incidents


Feb 14, 2019
What i'm reading is that about half of the new cases are fully vaccinated. Locally that is the case and my son and daughter in law just got it along with their two sons. Both Mom and Dad are vaxxed and didn't have too rough a go with it. The most fully vaccinated countries on earth are having large increases in new cases, almost 100% vaxxed. And the number of deaths and severe complications from the vax continue to soar.
Hope you're feeling better to the OP. A good friend just got over it after 9 days in bed with a 104 fever.


Mar 6, 2015
Both my wife and I caught it even after getting vaccinated. I had Johnson’s and she had one of the others. It totally wiped me out for a few days with no energy and a lot of coughing. I never lost my taste like my wife did. I stay in excellent shape and still don’t have the energy I had several months ago pre-covid. I’ll never know how bad I would have been without the vaccine. If you aren’t vaccinated yet I certainly would!


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
Wow, this will be the last time I look for a cheap “get well soon and good luck on your hunt.” I should have thought ahead and avoided using the C word. I am sure no one would be fighting if I said my elk hunt was going to be a challenge while battling a massive case of double pink eye. I might have even got a good joke about my hunting partner farting on my pillow.
Update us on the hunt, and get well fast. Hopefully you are more attentive in the woods that on Rokslide, but if not I want to hear the story of how you inadvertently set up your shelter over your own poo from the morning before. 😂

Really though, one cannot even review coffee on this site without the holier than thou PC police coming out, so as punishment for your turd mine drop, you should read every post on this thread, then share the coordinates of your hunting spot with some good pictures so we have a good update on the hunt.

Ok, my jokes are bad and I'm not sure anything I wrote is actually funny, but I tried. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


Apr 8, 2018
And another thing, what do you think statin drugs and high blood pressure meds are for? All of which help with reducing the potential for various forms of heart disease, or death from heart disease. And according to the CDC, 1 in 4 deaths are related to heart disease which was and is the #1 killer.
Delete “statins” and I’m in agreement, fwiw.


Dec 10, 2019
Update us on the hunt, and get well fast. Hopefully you are more attentive in the woods that on Rokslide, but if not I want to hear the story of how you inadvertently set up your shelter over your own poo from the morning before. 😂

Really though, one cannot even review coffee on this site without the holier than thou PC police coming out, so as punishment for your turd mine drop, you should read every post on this thread, then share the coordinates of your hunting spot with some good pictures so we have a good update on the hunt.

Ok, my jokes are bad and I'm not sure anything I wrote is actually funny, but I tried. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
The short of the hunt was it was a kick in the nuts. I set up my cimmaron and stove and had a pleasant warm evening, minus burning a hole in the sleeve of my down jacket. Sometimes it sucks being a hot tent rookie. I woke up at first light and opted to pack up instead of lighting a fire when I poked my head out and saw heavy snow. On the way down I only ate crap a half dozen times on snow covered branches. I found a wallow and while skirting around it I broke through the crust and ended up knee deep in muddy water. As I walked back soggy, I took a moment to register the fresh snow confirmed there were no animals in the area. After getting back to the rig I was going to try a new spot and my 4wd stopped working. After sliding around in 2wd for a while I decided this trip was not meant to be. Instead of a 2 hour drive home, I got to do four hours around the long way with the highway closed. Next year.


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
The short of the hunt was it was a kick in the nuts. I set up my cimmaron and stove and had a pleasant warm evening, minus burning a hole in the sleeve of my down jacket. Sometimes it sucks being a hot tent rookie. I woke up at first light and opted to pack up instead of lighting a fire when I poked my head out and saw heavy snow. On the way down I only ate crap a half dozen times on snow covered branches. I found a wallow and while skirting around it I broke through the crust and ended up knee deep in muddy water. As I walked back soggy, I took a moment to register the fresh snow confirmed there were no animals in the area. After getting back to the rig I was going to try a new spot and my 4wd stopped working. After sliding around in 2wd for a while I decided this trip was not meant to be. Instead of a 2 hour drive home, I got to do four hours around the long way with the highway closed. Next year.
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Sorry, that sounds like a crap trip. Especially the burned down. I ripped my sleeping bag a few months back, it patched up, but still annoys me every time I see it as it is a reminder of my lack of attention. A jacket would be much worse in that regard.

Speaking of dumb things, when I emptied my pack, I noticed this.

Talk about face palm retarded. Glad I did not find myself in a situation were I needed to reload my 454 in a hurry. Not sure if the 44 mag would have gone off, but if it did I imagine it would have been ugly.


Oct 5, 2017
My wife and I are geting over the virus. She got it first and had flu like symptoms and loss of taste. I have a head cold with a runny nose. Both of us had the Moderna shots early in the year. Son got the virus last year, got the vaccine, and got the virus again and was the one that passed it on to us. His second time with covid was over in 3 days with very mild symptons.

We did not do any special treatments. We do exercise regularly, eat well and take some of the basic supplements such as Vit-D.


Feb 5, 2019
Hospitals nationwide are short nursing staff and it has nothing to do with any vaccine.
It absolutely does,. But, keep pushing that false narrative.

Are you really going to try and pass it off as fact that doctors and nurses haven't been fired due to unwillingness to comply with mandates?


May 31, 2017
It absolutely does,. But, keep pushing that false narrative.

Are you really going to try and pass it off as fact that doctors and nurses haven't been fired due to unwillingness to comply with mandates?

Nursing staff shortages were happening long before anyone was fired for refusing to be vaccinated. Burnout from the pandemic, shifty pay, horrible assignment ratios, patients and families who treat them like trash, all have led to far more nurses leaving the field than vaccine issues.

I have no idea how many people have left the field due to refusing to be vaccinated. I do know why the people I am associated with are leaving, and that's not it.


Feb 5, 2019
Nursing staff shortages were happening long before anyone was fired for refusing to be vaccinated. Burnout from the pandemic, shifty pay, horrible assignment ratios, patients and families who treat them like trash, all have led to far more nurses leaving the field than vaccine issues.

I have no idea how many people have left the field due to refusing to be vaccinated. I do know why the people I am associated with are leaving, and that's not it.
Google is your friend, those stats are publicly available. It's not the sole cause, there are multiple factors and you highlighted some of them, for sure. But your claim that "it had nothing to do with mandates" is 100% false
May 18, 2019
Good luck to all of you. I’ve had it or I haven’t, never tested positive with rapid, but have felt lousy a couple of times. Been working every day throughout this pandemic and have noticed those who watch the news constantly are the ones who are most afraid. Get the jab or don’t, be nice and take care of your selfies and others.